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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Yeah, go for it. Man, what a racket. Reminds me of actually getting paid to photograph modeling pagents.
  2. I just love this crap. I use my camera card readers pretty rregularly in my computer, but when i put my xd card from my olympus camera in to dnload some pix to my hard drive, and it wasnt showing up. When i used that little arrow looking thingy in the task bar at the bottom to try and check on it, I somehow made all my card drives disapear. they wont even light up the little green light now and they dont show up in "my computer". I think they show up in device manager, but it says everything is enabled, but they arent. What the hell have I done, and how can i get my card readers back in service? That is all. Thank you.Im going to bed now.
  3. Yeah, a friend sent me this link, and I think those low pass shots of the F-18 making the shock wave over the water are the best Blues shots Ive seen yet, including my own.
  4. CG, I promise you that if you post it on the zoo, I promise that at least one village idiot will believe this is serious and complain about the colors. This is priceless btw.
  5. Heh heh Rattler. Now I'm only TWO generations behind of TIR. Damn.
  6. Heh heh, my thoughts exactly Rattler. Now Psycho, syco, syphyco, however you spell it, I can't see any of the blasted pix that are posted that way....i dunno why, I cant get it to do show up as a jpeg or anything. Nor does anyone else's
  7. America thanks the Brit empire for doing all the hard work. That Harrier deal was pretty good to. So was that angle deck thingy, the steam cats, the mirror landing system, and.....oh yeah, Aircraft carriers to. We've managed to improve upon them all, and have put them to good use. I had no idea this Brit AC existed, but US aviation research was a huge sponge at the time, getting all they could from any source........which is logical actually. Don't forget what happened with the Avro Arrow to...........NATO suffered because of that mistaken cancellation.
  8. Oh good god........heh heh. She's hanging onto the chair in front of her. sheeesh. Ok, this is proof she's not a guy..........well, sort of . And here's one a bit more aviation oriented.....that's a P-51 behind her.
  9. I took alot of screenhots of that place. Amazing what you see there, especially if you find the historical row.
  10. Hey Emann, good to ...............see you. My sr yr (76) was the only one if my life I actually enjoyed (some) school. Back then, you could actually hang out with the sophomore chicks who were all ga ga about your seniority without going to prison for it. And what soft core Porn? I don't think anyone around here would engage in such. Emann, don't look.....I don't wanna corrupt your young mind and send you to hell.
  11. Heh heh. Ain't military history grand? Why does anyone write fiction about this stuff when the real thing is so good.
  12. Yeah, happy entrance into this dimension day. Only thing I can offer you is this present....though it is a bit aged.
  13. Wow-somebody on here older than I........I bet you were really pissed off when the Lusitania was torpedoed, huh? Ok, I only said that because a friend of mine told some chick I was born when Ike was pres. Jeees. Here's a present for you.
  14. No, no, it's not the whatchamacallit book that was swallowed........DT was just speaking hypothetically about a tactic that might result in some other types of "swallowing". I'll tell em whatever they wanna hear if they are hot. You have to learn to rationalize the most absurd nonsense to ......"influence" women. How the hell you think I got so many of them to get interested in..... "photography"?
  15. Ha! Hilarious. This is priceless, and like was so eloquently pointed out, totally true.
  16. Heh heh. Im relieved at the reaction to Mr. Simmons image..........but I'm still not gonna pick up my soap around any of you F*ckers. Somebody may be putting on a front. Anyway, I left the mod alone because it supposedly messes wiht the FMB, and I spend most of my time in that. Why the hell couldnt they just change the damn sounds and be done with it? But NOOOOOOOO. They gotta put the damn space shuttle in it. Poooey.
  17. Huh? What did you say? I was looking at those.......bow strings......in your sig, and was distracted. I did crack up pretty bad when I saw your post DT. heh heh.
  18. Yup.....I know I'm gonna need to get a new comp. Let's see, a choice between that and that damn new insuling pump at 6 grand...........hmmmm.
  19. Well, I'm not sure what she was calling it since I don't speak Italian, but it had ALOT of sylabels (and I can't spell that and don't really give a damn). This was during my Luftwaffe tour of Italy while I was staying at her villa and she walked in on me while I was taking a shower. After the Allies took the place (we ran outta ammo and fuel) I stayed with her to protect her from the Limey and Americaner shwine who would violate her. This was a shot I took after her "encounter" with RCAF pilot BG when I asked her if she had been ravaged by any of them. (yeah, he REALLY was there).
  20. Yeah, I know what ya mean there comrade. As a Luftwaffe pilot expected to defend Italy in the coming SEOW, I've been hanging out with Sophia Loren while on my tour of duty. I told my Hellhound compadres that I was working on saturday nights and couldn't fly with them, but Sophie got some new jamies, and I was obligated to evaluate them.........repeatedly (keep in mind this is 1944 and I'm time traveling). I recommend you keep a camera handy to document the quality of the contractors work.
  21. Well I always find stuff on here about a month after it's posted. Anyhoot, I'm really glad and honored to be in a squadron that's in the same wing so to speak. I can't begin to tell you guys how important this deal is to me and how much fun I have flying with all you wackjobs. That even includes when Psycho is screaming on the radio and holding the mike key down the entire time and Painless (sneaky Brit) is sneaking up on me. I still wouldn't pick up my soap if I dropped it around you guys though.
  22. Ditto what DT said. That damn flyboys movie was doomed since it was made by hollywood fruitcakes that knew nothing about the subject matter. Krauts flying nothing but tripes. BS. they mixed types all over the place, although the flying scenes were entertaining. This does look a bit more serious an attempt. The last good WW1 flying movie was The Blue Max back in the 60s, but I dont think thyey ever put it on DVD. Anyway, here is some actual combat footage of ol Manfred being nailed by the guy who really got him.....an American pilot flying a damn doghouse. I won a bunch of money thru the yrs from elementary thru high school from idiots who refused to believe the Baron was anything other than a product of Charles Shultz's imagination. I always loved the look on their faces when I brought the appropriate books and opened them in front of a large crowd for maximum humiliating effect.
  23. I must warn you guys, once you get into the FMB, and see what is availible in this sim that you normally never see, you may become totally adicted to trying to write a virtual book, like I'm doing for the second time now. Im going on 6 mos working on my 1947 campn, and I spend about 95% of my time in this thing in the FMB. I think I need help. Once you get into it, the misn blder forum on ubi zoo is a priceless resource of help and ideas etc.
  24. Yeah, those really expand the sim. The soviet bombers are very useful that way. And DT, that's a nice shot of an archery enthusiast. Couldn't have done better myself.
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