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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. the sky is crowded as Hellcats flying CAP over the naval forces join in the fight over a small area. Knight takes out Akula and he bails near the area of the bridghead. During the fight, a JU-52 flies nervously above the fight, weary of Friar since the unfortunate fratricide incident recently when the seaplane JU got in front of his guns. Perfectly understandable, considering the resemblance of so many allied plane types with three engines and pontoons.......hey, it could happen to anybody (but thank GOD it wasn't me).
  2. Our single AI 109G2 drone did alright, taking out Bucky and holding his own for a while before getting whacked by a Spit (ID?). Fireman and Painless make head-on passes at each other until they clip wingtips......here Fireman ejects as Painless splatters below (at least Michal Caine's evil twin is not around to kill any more of us this misn
  3. This is an abbreviated version guys, so if you have any extra stuff that you wanna post, go for it. I could only run this thing once due to time limits. Also, I did a screen of the pilot screen for id purposes, but for some reason it just went away and isnt there, so I was unable to id most of the allied pilots this time.....SOOOO, if you recognize yourself, lemme know and Ill change this to give you proper credit for your exploits. Anyhoot, it appears that the hero of this misn is a German 85mm AA crew henceforth referred to as Hermann the German. DT has already done a list of all the carnage that thing produced among ground forces and aircraft that day, even accusing us of using a mechwarrior (one of our secret weapons we are developing you see-snaps boots together CLICK). The Luftwaffe came back with a vengance this time despite the odds, plus we got really lucky. The Allied scum will not take Italy; the chix are just too hot. You will need to move that irritating bar at the bottom of each three shot section to see them all of course (I hate that thing). Rattler and Klinger attack the leading enemy armor elements with some success. Here Rattler makes his stealthy approach on an unwarry Sherman crew. Rattler provides BG with some more scrap to sell or convert to use in building his condos on the Italian beach.
  4. Sure cool. I think there could be an agreement in the future though to put just a few withing x number of klicks of the front line where likely action will be, such as teh bridge that is under contention now. Maybe just one per side with both commanders agreeing to such maybe. I think a limited number limited to such restrictions would probably not show much more than what we can see now from the aircraft as far as intel goes.
  5. Whoa....thats amazing. What a clear shot of that IR missle coming in. I had no idea they were even getting pissed at each other.
  6. I still have quite a few I built over the yrs from high school on, and yes, Hasegawa is a detailed kit. They were my favorite ones.
  7. Heh heh, yeah, but its nice to be able to see whats going on and get a better tactical sense of whats happening. Perhaps there could be some rules regarding their use, like none on the other side of enemy lines or such. Two or three per side would be cool though. We have done pretty well though, and weve managed to get some views and screens by manipulation of the camera zoom and angles, though they are kinda limited. CAnt help but wonder what this kinda program can offer in a few yrs with the new generation of sims we get.
  8. Ok this is wierd (something I'm really consistent at)...I turned off my Keiro firewall AGAIN just to see if anything changed, and I can see ONE pic....the second one. The rest still dont show up. Sheeesh, nothing like scientific and technical consistency. I blame Bill Gates.....makes me feel better.
  9. That thing would be a real hoot in this or the future sim.....but kinda unlikely I guess. I always though it reminded me of the Fairy Fulmar early war FAA fighter in its layout. Pity about the one above being lost. Ive got alot of pix of planes through the yrs that have since been lost, like the CAF He-111 and B-26.
  10. Hey, it works great with chicks......at least until they get really rip roaring drunk and start puking in your car.
  11. Since Stalingrad had little military value, they doomed thier effort by trying to take it like you guys said. Amazing that a personality conflict between Hitler and Stalin could lead to such a huge event that so changed the direction of the war. Thank God most despots are military idiots.
  12. Im just happy you can get back to the front and help fight the red hordes. Now get the hell outta there before they change their mind.
  13. Yeah, such is re-enacted well in teh SEOWs.....so many things can change an outcome so drastically.
  14. If you are limited to the cockpit, I assume you won't have them in game so nobody could see them.......I assume. For after action viewing, most of them would probably be in positions where our troops from both sides would be engaged, and would usually see stuff that both sides would see anyway I think. We use the tracks
  15. Damn......that's cool. I use a swivel chair and my pedals are propped against the wall. I have to have the stick really low because of my numbing hands, so I have it on a clipboard on my lap. I need to rig something different..............hhmmmmm
  16. Neat shots on those utube vids. It stayed in service for quite a while after the war, so it mustve been a pretty hot ride to stay in service wtih seafire 47s. I wonder how it did in air combat and how many kills it got in two wars.
  17. Well, Im learning about this seow thingy, and it's fascinating. Lots of difficulty moving ships and vehicles it seems, and some oddness concerning losses. My first kill marking is for an AI 51 that crashed well after I hit it pretty hard, and got an enemy AC destroyed message; however, the SEOW doesnt have it listed as such. So Im cool with learning as much as I can about how this thing works. Man, even the kill claims situations are realistic in this thing. I hope the SEOW developers eventually improve it a bit. I also hope we can put a number of cameras in the next one that each side can assign to help wiht movement of objects. They don't slow the FR nearly as much as Ive read they do, as Ive had at least 10 in misns with all sorts of stuff going on in the FMB whle bldg the misn, and there was no noticable difference. That might help with some of the movement problems if we can see what's happening in detail, not to mention the neat screens we could get from that. I foresee some pretty quick scramble take offs on both bases closest to the front line next misn.
  18. A different perspective from my version. They chased knight from high altitude down to the deck, Funflak getting a bit of a case of target fixation. Painless watched in amazement as he overtook him, which I thought was hilarious. Neat to see the id icons from the allied side to.
  19. I dunno why, but I don't see anythiing. Am I the only one?
  20. We will give you the benefit of our collective wisdom once you allied vermin come to your senses and surrender......BG can keep his condos on the beaches though. We will need to examine all the lessons learned by both sides for use in future SEOWs against other outfits. The History channel will probably make a series about all the events of our little war.
  21. We know the locations of all the condos he is planning to build on the Italian coast as well. I just saw the same thing happen at Foggia as allied planes were landing. Apparently we have some arty somewhere that was shelling the hell out of it. A spit was hit and the tail blown off as it was trying to taxi to park but shells were landing all around it. It burned but I dont think it was lost. Glad we didn't lose those Stukas GK.
  22. Nice shots. Great perspective on the gunners shot. I think you meant 111 above though....heh heh. I remember that misn, and I think I posted a few from it. That 111 exploding above the deck was amazing. We've learned alot about anti-shipping tactics in this thing.
  23. but were the Stuka's counted as captured since the allies overran the base? Im still trying to figure out how the SEOW engine works. Id love to see some other allied perspective stuff as well when it's declassified.
  24. BAck in 86 (or 87) it snowed in April in NW Ga, as I woke up at my apt looking forward to doing some photography of some chick I knew in the blooming foliage, and THere is ice all over the place, including all the flowers that were outside my bldg. I got kinda pissed at that. Had to drive thru the snow in my 78 trans am. My next vehicle was an Isuzu Trooper 4x4, and Ive driven 4x4 vehicles ever since.
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