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Everything posted by Enforcer57

  1. Lest anyone think it's not a real war. I hope we get really really ruthless with those maniacs. That insurgency will be defeated.....with great prejudice preferably.
  2. Thanks, Im getting that now, as I use the older version for yrs now and it works great.
  3. I think it wants Madonna back. Did you check to see if the USB ports are enabled in that ......well the thingy that lets you enable them. I had a problem wiht some of mine just deciding to go on strike for some reason.
  4. And the Lagg-3RD. The really lousy jet based on the lagg 3.
  5. Heh heh. Rich. Painless is gonna be pissed though. HEH HEH.
  6. I never thought of the pilot either, as I use one wiht my HellHound flight jacket. I think alot of others are using assorted pilots to. Does this really affect the FR much? I just wondered, as it's pretty easy to use the default.........but not as cool. Hell, Painless was using Michal Caine as a pilot this time I believe, which is appropriate since he is the man's evil twin. And how hell did an AA gun wind up on your runway? I noticed htat in the track, but then I remembered that I had paid one of your gunners to move it onto the runway. It appears that I was foiled again. And BG sure spends alot of time on the beach checking out the property. I can only hope that my short time in the gunners seat contributed to his plight. And Im glad to see that JP isnt the only one to depart his machine unexpectedly. Good shots. They give a great perspective. I intended on posting some, but have been sick the last three days and only got on here to see what was going on. Fear not though, I will be back sunday to give you allied vermin a target to chase.
  7. Reminds me somewhat of the ........"eatery" .......I work at in the evening. Thank God I don't have to cook very much.....make a salad at times. The comedy channel is showing a very informative movie regarding such employment called "Waiting". Whoever wrote that thing spent alot of time in this industry. We don't do the stuff to the food of morons who irritate us that they do however.
  8. Neat shots Bucky. That's cool how the planes are taking off under fire. Wish we could maintain that condition.....I wonder if anyone will buy the farm that way heh heh. Kinda adds a bit of drama to it. I can just see everyone sweating the GO signal as that 85 is firing at them. Been there done that.
  9. wow, what a shot. At long range too. Impressive, most impressive (inhale, exhale).
  10. Hey, it's on the web, so it's gotta be real. Only the stuff on the ubi zoo is more reliable.
  11. Damn......and I thought the mother ship had you and was experimenting on your carbon based arse. Um, you know, um, the Luftwaffe is in bad need of good pilots.......we kicked some serious allied keysters last sunday, so victory is inevitable. I think they are really pissed off.......I'm scared. Hold me.
  12. The truth is sometimes uncomfy, but that's the way it is. I wanna give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but as long as nobody gets into the lynching, harassment stuff, one has no choice but to be wary and look over ones shoulder. They haven't done a very good job of convincing everyone else otherwise. We still have to be careful not to label people to the extent of considering everyone the same and depriving anyone of due process and looking at individuals based mostly on their own actions and not a label. It's a fact though, that alot of that community has been promoting anti-US/west nonsense for decades though. And there is a war on after all.
  13. well, this is the problem Im having....I don't see the image at all....nothing, no thumbnail, link, or even a line. Nothing but space after your text. I may be the only one seeing it, but its kinda hard for me to post something I cant see. I have no idea why, and bloke tried to help me wiht it, but its still a problem for me. No clue as to why.
  14. But will it show it the same way? I find that I usually can't see the pix that are posted as an attachment for some reason. I'd like to keep it where it can be seen without clicking on an attachment icon. Hey JP, didn't you send me a link before (long lost) to a large photo server you used?
  15. HEh heh, yeah, I couldnt help myself. Anyway, Klinger's engine is taken out by 50 cal, and he tries to coax the machine down, but winds up cartwheeling across the base as Bloke swarms home untouched. If I have made some mistakes here, lemme know. Also, any IDs on planes would be helpful since the screenshots I took of the pilot screen strangely disapeared. Allied photographers are welcome to add to this, as I was limited to what I could cover. The Luftwaffe is back. Oh yeah, I am just about tired of the stupid idiotic moronic taliban censorship program that photobucket uses....you can't post a pic with a title like "somebody is hit".....get it? Is hit? Gimme a break. this takes alot of time to rename and resubmit a photo. Don't we still have a photo source around here we can use?
  16. Back at the Luftwaffe bases, the Aryan eagles are returning in triumph, having swatted allied planes out of the air like they were all clones of Gunther Rall and Eric Hartman. Klinger had done well, but doesn't see the nefarious BBloke diving out of the sky in his Mustang while making his approach. Bloke locks as Kling become aware of him, but Klinger is too slow and low to do anything about it. All Rattler can do is watch helplessly as his wingman is gunned from the sky in a well executed and perfectly timed attack by a particularly dangerous allied vulture.
  17. Our glorious leader Greyknight is badly damaged and forced to return, escaping his overturned plane, which is quickly repaired by German technicians. His close call freaks him out so bad that he hauls ass to an outhouse. A Spitfire lands but his base is apparently within Hemann's range and draws fire. And promptly loses its tail to the Accurate German fire.
  18. Here Badaim is also hassling with der Mustangens. Lots of head on passes and deflection shots this day. While hunting allied bombers (Hermann the German beat us to it), Sid and I (Enforcer) find a tanker blow it outta the water. Unfortunately, it only carried toilet paper and condoms for the allied troops. Several cases floated ashore and captured by German troops, but they were far too small for them to use.....of course. As the misn comes to a close, both sides limp home. Here a P47 (ID?) makes his approach with gear extended, but there are no wheels left. The Jug bellies in and undoubtedly surprises the pilot a bit.
  19. But Rattler dives into a cloud, ever the master of tactical adaption. Only AI planes can see through clouds, so it works....... And Rattler dives away escaping his tormentor, who wisely breaks away climbing to avoid being a kill emblem on Rattler's fuslelage. The only AI B25 in the Allied force this day falls victim to a direct hit from Hermann the German.This oddly resembles several combat photos from the war.
  20. Meanwhile, Rattler is in a vertical daisy chains with most of the allied air forces. Reaching its apogee, the chain breaks up as a determined P51 locks onto Rattler (ID?). Rattler dives away but can't shake his pursuer.
  21. An alert Canadian Goose then latches onto Kling who is already low, and he breaks for the deck. These guys are both headed straight down at speed, headed for the bridgehead below. Goose doesn't realize that he is coming within range of Hermann the German beneath him. Kling is saved by the marksmanship of the valiant drone AA crew below, and Goose digs a hole, proving that BG is not the only Canadian capable of moving large quantities of dirt.
  22. JP flies through the pieces of what is now a GOOD Hellcat. Rattler and Klinger are giving a rough time to some 51s and Spits, and Klinger breaks from one and latches onto the tail of another.
  23. The furball, as always, winds up low, and several daisy chains result as planes chase each other around the Italian sky. Here JP pulls an AI Hellcat outta one of these and pounces. JP scores some 20mm hits and the F6F is doomed. 5in rockets don't help the plane's performance. Lest anyone think the Allied planes are too great a challenge, Hellcats explode nicely when pounded by 20mm....I thought this was a cool shot.
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