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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by delta7

  1. delta7

    new toy

    I havnt been too active on BoX etc because of new toy, trying to learn how to get the best out of this...................
  2. cheep gaming chair for those on the look out, just got mine, seems ok not sure if worth origonal £200 but will see how it goes https://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/x-rocker-executive-office-chair-with-bluetooth-5999-argos-3018933
  3. Sorry I didnt see this before, Im not usually on this thread, but a bit of further info if you are interested. 603 is city of Edinburgh Squadron. AS my local squadron I have an interest and bought their official biography. Peter Pease has many entries covering his joining the squadron ( from 5 OTU) on the 6th of July 1940 until his death. He was a great friend of Richard Hillary who wrote " The Last Enemy" He was killed by escort fighters when pressing home an attack on He 111 bombers of KG26. here are excerpts from Leutnant Roderich Cescottis account who was in one of the He111s " A few tommies suceeded in penetrating our fighter escort. I saw a Spitfire dive steeply through our escort, level out and close on our formation. It opened fire , from ahead and to the right, and its tracers streaked towards us. At that moment a Me109, which we had not seen before, appeared behind the spitfire and we saw rounds striking the spitfires tail. But the tommy continued his attack, coming straight for us, and his rounds slashed into our aircraft. At the last moment the spitfire pulled up and passed very close over the top of us. Then it rolled onto its back as though out of control, and went down steeply, trailing black smoke." Peter Pease was 22. R.I. P In 1990 the crash site was excavated and parts of his spitfire are displayed at Nutkins Shoreham Aviation Museum.
  4. Thanks arthur , makes the game playable for me now , need to get some practice in. Gypsy see here for installing jgsme for BOX. I downloaded the file and put it into my battle of stalingrad main folder, there is a pdf guide in the download with instructions. I prefered a seperate install for il246 and BOX https://forum.il2sturmovik.com/topic/36622-is-there-a-tutorial-to-use-jsgme/
  5. Dont have any old ones but here is the bulk of present kits, Phantoms fury SE5a curtis tomahawk spitfire V trop gladiator swordfish hurricanes mosqueto spitfires sea fury spitfire Me109s harriers F5s harriers tornado typhoon A-10 I have some helicopters and some 1/72 upstairs as well
  6. russian shite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bf 110s and Ju88s ftw
  7. Just bought moscow to help co-op hosts a bit
  8. To be fair I was on that side of the road a lot ?
  9. These from my road trip to Skye, more to follow
  10. Hi and welcome back, unfortunately flight hotas now seems to fall into two categories, affordable but with quality issues or very expensive. I did a bit of research recently as I was thinking about replacing my saitek x52. The latter saitek products had quality issues that logitek are working on addressing and will replace faulty ones under warranty. Thrust master looked ok but didn't seem to have as many hats or rotaries Ch products have no software support since the engineer who did this retired and don't seem interested in this market sector any more. Fwiw I repaired my x-52 and I like it. Hope this helps
  11. delta7

    Hawker fury

    Airfix 1/48 Hawker Fury Scratch built pit , rescribed panel lines and reworked radiator Paints were Vallejo acryllic aluminium and humbrol silver from a spray can Kit decals EZ line and E string fron guitar rigging
  12. Nor to bodenplate, ah well pre ordered anyway
  13. I thought we were sticking with battle of Stalingrad as our standard? Or is this not possible for hosts? I have no plans to buy Kuban but will probably preorder bodenplatte soon . So my question is that with everyone having different installs how does that work for us on coops ?
  14. I might have some spare decals if you need them, I built the newer revell a few years back
  15. Here are genuine adverts for our National Drink ; Irn Bru aired on comercial tv here in Scotland Scotland is the only place in the world that Coca-Cola is NOT the number one selling soft drink It is rumoured to cure all known human maladies as per this little dittie
  16. excellent !!!! now get reporting for duty again soon mate
  17. have a look here, in the first post there is key bindings, instructions and a video http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/13039-sunday-18th-feb-bomber-boys-dd-team-event-4/
  18. I am available most nights apart from Fridays and Id be infrequent for Saturdays Id prefer Wed or Thursday for Box to kind of spread out my flying comitments
  19. wow your a real masochist, the new revell and airfix lancs are pretty good and would build easier, but maybe you have a good reason for going with this one ?
  20. Online is pretty frustrating at the moment, Wings of liberty still very popular and hard to get a slot on, also suffering a lot of issues since last patch with overload. Icon on servers are just airquake ,lots of vultching and head on collision Lots of friendly fire on all servers Online does not seem to be any kind of priority so can't see customised icons any time soon.
  21. thanks guys , yes Sid this is the same problem I had, Iv superglued the cable at both ends but might go belts and braces and tape it up as well Ill have a look at that link Crash TY
  22. I was going to get the fighterstick but read that ch isn't supporting software and there are issues since last windows 10 update. The saitek sticks are getting a bit of bad reviews over quality so as I was stuck I had another go and managed to fix my existing one again, the issue is a poor connection between throttle and stick so once I had this sorted I superglued the connection to hopefully stop it happening. It's probably only a temporary fix but will give me more time to decide what the best option is
  23. thanks, I did consider these but I dont want to risk a second hand one , so I think Ill order the ch fighterstick and see how I get on with this
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