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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. I just tried it in the Oculus, absolutely stunning performance, major fps gains for me and with everything turned to max, really nice to see cockpit shadows properly in the rift for the first time, I may be seen online on a dogz night some time soon.
  2. Thanks for thinking of me, I will need to dust the cobwebs off my joystick, not doing much virtual flying these days.
  3. Hey Falke, I'm still here, sorry Mr P my overalls are still needed. They didn't delet my account, it briefly dissapeared when I jazzed up my forum name after the permanent ban they awarded me, but it's now back in all its greyed out glory reflecting my most heartfelt feelings for the time I enjoyed with them. p.s. yes this is the BOS forum saga
  4. I hate those Mk26 abortions too. Tiger is looking......Grrrreat!!!!! (in case nobody know what that is all about it's Tony the tiger from the Frosties ad)
  5. Happy Birthday Jabo!......shit.....you are younger than me.
  6. Happy Birthday guys!
  7. I took some pics of our yellow Tiger when I found a spare minute, hope they are usefull. I have no idea why some of those pics are upside down.
  8. The world is filling up with them rapidly because we keep finding ways of stopping them killing themselves off.
  9. I have wanted to have a go in a Twin Comanche for ages, renewed my multi engine rating in one today, very nice machine.
  10. Sweper nails it in impressive style.
  11. Okey dokey.. I took this one off the bucket list today.....lovely machine.
  12. Pipistrel TAURUS electric glider.
  13. if it's jet powered then there are bleedin' hundreds of them
  14. Aquila A211?
  15. @Jabo Shempp-Hirth Duo discuss
  16. It is a Shempp-Hirth something.....probably a duo discus.
  17. Just done my single pilot CRM course and this video featured in the lecture, turns out the guy in the right seat was actually a flight examiner and the guy in the left was the aircraft owner under test.......I think they both failed.
  18. Well done BluBear, the stage is yours
  19. OK, some info: it is a one off aircraft (apparently only 1 built but I think maybe 2 were) which didn't enter production as it was a competitor for a defence contract that lost out to another design, it first flew in 1938, the company that built it is not associated with aircraft like these.
  20. Simmering away nicely
  21. Well it located it for me on just the cropped image, and I went back to try Blubears and your earlier crop and that worked too.
  22. Oh...no cheating......I just had a look at Jabo's image google thing and it renders this game almost redundant
  23. Well, as you have described the aircraft perfectly I see no point in only giving snippets so lets try the whole aircraft with all identifying marks blurred out.
  24. those guys looked a bit surprised, I'm guessing this was not an actual gear failure but simply a case of the pilot completely ignoring the gear warning horn reminding him the gear was not down the entire way down the approach.
  25. Here goes.
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