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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. Hi Guys, I have to say that after the steam patch I am playing this thing on max settings and having really fluid dogfights........I'm still crap but it is to all intents 'fixed' for me, still a bit choppy over dense cities but the frames are steady if low. I don't think my rig is spectacular core2 quad 3.2ghz GTX 470 1280 DDR5 8Gig ram Win 7 64 bit
  2. Thanks all, It was an experience for me to fly with some of you over the last coulpe of days, have't done any online flying other than some random stuff in hyperlobby servers, it was exellent, I will spend some more time getting some offline practice in.
  3. Superb! thank you very much for the welcome, I'm gonna have to get my ass into gear and get my desk cockpit reorganised, and make sure I'm all set up, sounds like flying with you guys will be a blast, and hopefully in the course of time I will be fairly regular.
  4. Result!!!!.........I knew I was right to buy one, people thought I was crazy weird and stuff, but I can show them now.
  5. Hi Jim, I will try to get over to Manston at some point, make sure they don't forget about me, i will have to get into a c152 to do my 3 take offs and landings before I can fly the Stearman again, how is Sue doing after the accident? heard she got pretty smashed up.
  6. I am in the UK, I can be perssuaded to do the late night thing, but as of yet I havent ventured into rise of flight so will have to buy it soon I guess.
  7. I have teamspeak......I'm glad to hear you guys use it, I will await the acess to the server, looking forward to this new experience for me, don't worry propNut.....I have a feeling I am going to be the new bullet magnet.
  8. I look forward to the banter
  9. Hi Folks, I ran into a guy who said something about finding alchohol and sheep here....... he was kind of a Fruitbat but an awfully nice chap. besides the boozing and sheep what can an old degenerate like me find to do here, I like to fly stuff, talk sh*t and drink alot. Bongodriver
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