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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bongodriver

  1. She is, plenty of it.
  2. Yes indeedy!
  3. Happy twelvetieth birthday DD forumz!
  4. I don't often enjoy long videos of just someone speaking, this however is some of the most engaging public speaking ever, brilliant stuff.
  5. Now that actually makes Bob Hoovers stunts look like a student PPL dicking around, literally jaw dropping, not only rolled it but it was effectively a flick roll and all done at low level.
  6. Yeah, sod that FT git, we got an Ovy
  7. …unless her name is 'Patsy', has extraordinary thighs and promises a 'good time long time'? Well yes, I am prepared to make an exception. It's not the made in China bit that worries me, most stuff is made there, it's just the 'knock off' merchants from China that make all manner of unintentionally explosive toys.
  8. I won't be straping anything 'chinese knock off' to my face.
  9. Thanks awfully chaps, nice easy day eating chocs and cake, wash it down later with a few ales.
  10. Happy... http://dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/12407-happy-birthday-squawk/#entry126885
  11. You'd think I could have got that one given my current links with Lydd which is where Silver city operated from.
  12. This is a tough one, I have no idea.
  13. I do know this, I'm just defering again, this is a good one Swep.
  14. Ok, I am already doubtfull but will have a stab with a Focke-Wulf 187.
  15. That's the fugly fellow, over to you Swep.
  16. Bit more garlic...
  17. Maybe 2 Mossies eventually, all we need now is something with a Napier Sabre to come to life.
  18. It's not one of those but there is a tenuous connection.
  19. OK here goes, this one really has it in the wird fuglyplane stakes.
  20. Sod it then, it's a Dewotine D338.
  21. Looks like it's getting a real Hispano-Suiza engine too.
  22. I know this (no google cheat), but I will let someone else go for the guess.
  23. That'll do, your go FT.
  24. P-12E
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