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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. Not sure why I'm posting this on Christmas Eve, especially as Mrs Shadrach has gone last minute shopping and left me baby sitting sick kids and given me a long to do list, but I see the 4.10 patch is out. Just backing game files up ready for install and they are going to take an hour to copy to new folder, goodness IL2 has got big. If I'm not back flying soon you'll know Mrs Shadrach has got me.
  2. Thats NOT controling, thats pandering. Natural control is a large bucket of cold water. Unless it's happening in the living room of course.
  3. Work has been running 24/7 to cope with Christmas rush and I got given 2pm to 10.30pm shift hence my abscence the last week or so. I hate work more than I hate snow!

  4. We print calendars where I work. Google Truprint or Snapfish and you should get to a website where you upload your pictures into any number of templates and your calender is printed and posted back to you. Never done it myself but I've worked there about 4 years and printed thousands of the things.
  5. That reads like one of Mrs Shadrachs shopping lists.
  6. I like the video they posted a while back of a Spitefire cockpit. I just loved the way the instrument needles danced about when the plane was stressed. After I passed my test I owned a string of bangers from the 50s and 6os and the old Smiths guages and dials did just that when thrashing them up and down the A38 and A303. There is a steam railway a few minutes walk from my house that always has loads of old cars and bikes on display. When I go there with the kids they trail behind me mimicing me, "I had one of those", when we walk past one.
  7. Oh my god - sorry BG and sorry Helen. In my defence I would say I have a real problem with names, telephone nos. registration nos. and, usefully, birthdays. They will not stick in my head for more than a minute. I have five kids and know what their names are but apart from getting the gender right I generally distribute the names on a random basis which tends to deflate any rage or argument I'm having. My wife's birthday is only remembered by her meeting out repeated beatings over the years and if stopped by the police and asked what my reg no. is I'd have to get out and look and get arrested as a suspected car thief.
  8. A quick and full recovery please BG. Your good wife, Janet, must be anxious. We disrupted our neighbours services the other day. My young lad is a little excessive in the toilet department, he likes to use a couple of loo rolls, a bag of baby wipes and a telephone directory a sitting.The inspection pit in the downstream house next door blocked the other day and the effluent from the houses upstream backed up, popped the pit cover and swamped the garden.Whilst there is no proof we were to blame I suspect we were and the neighbours are a little frosty of late. A regime of rationing and a lecture should, hopefully, prevent a repeat.
  9. Got on to my ISP last week as broadband speed was around 500kbts. They found Bt had capped the line for some reason. Got it removed and speed up to 6Mbts. Hooray!

  10. Project Tint have brought out the latest version of Tint (R2) . It works well for me in Windows 7 whereas R1 was completely dead.
  11. Well wag wag wag and snif my danglies that worked a treat. Thanks v much B16Enk.
  12. I've double checked. The TIR centre is set to num pad 6 and a key on the n5 is mapped to num pad 6. Pressing the n5 key and num pad 6 on key board centres TIR when directly in TIR software but not when in game. Nothing else in controls or Sans FOV uses num pad 6. This has never happened in Xp so I'm thinking its a Windows 7 issue. Will try TIR as admin.
  13. I don't think so as I did check down the controls and even tried another key but I will double check.
  14. I have just got a copy of Windows 7 installed. I have got IL2 and most things needed with it up and running with the exception of Tint which would be nice but not essential and I think a fix is due out sometime. One problem I do have is centering the TIR5 software. I have a key mapped which works fine in the TIR screen but will not work when in game. Because of lack of desk space I'm using a nostromo n52 gamepad as a keyboard but obviously I can still use the keyboard if I want but the issue affects both keyboard and gamepad. Any thoughts?
  15. Shadrach

    My Broken Map

  16. Shadrach

    My Broken Map

    Just tried this mod and map appears without frame but is in usual top right position. Like Sweper I'm wondering if it should be middle bottom or how do you move it? It looks much better where you have it in cockpit. Is it anchored to cockpit or screen?
  17. Personally for the easiest most cost effective solution I would just go for the BU0836, the 10bit version is only just over 20 quid inc post. You just hook up the pots, plug in the USB and it works, no messing. It also gives option for loads of switches. As you probably know he also sells multi turn pots which might be better for trim wheels or try Rapidonline.com who are pretty good and seem reasonable for electrical componants (if you're UK based). Also Cool Componants do female jumper leads which make connecting to the pins dead easy. Otherwise what about an old joystick board? If you have one that has a broken twist grip or dodgy pots you could just get new pots and try that. Maybe a Dogz has an old one kicking around they could donate. I think microprocessor boards like an arduino etc are more useful if you are trying to utilise data from the game to drive motion platforms and the like.
  18. And if the cooling didn't work too well you would have a lovely hot smoking engine oil smell to add to your immersion. In the distant past when I shared a flat we would put a pan of GTX with a dash of redex on the stove whilst watching motor sport on TV to help the atmospher along a bit - until the neighbours complained.
  19. Shadrach

    Riat 2010...

    When I were a nipper in the 60s I lived in North Devon and the Vulcans from Chivenor flew over our house every day.
  20. You have your wife interested in IL2 and your asking for help?
  21. I know I'm stating the obvious but the basic problem is that you are trying to fit the 4:3 monitor ratio provided by IL2 into a more rectangular wide screen. With the standard set up you only have three options. You fit the view to the monitor top and bottom which means the view is too narrow with bars at the sides. You make the view bigger so it goes to the sides which means the view is too tall so the view is cropped top and bottom. You stretch the view so it fits all round which means everything is distorted with oval dials etc. There is, however, a fourth way that San's uses. Start with a bigger view and crop it back to the size and ratio required by the monitor. San's in effect has removed the 4:3 ratio constraint imposed by IL2. But how big is too big? I suppose really you only need to have the same field of view top and bottom as you would see normally and have San's fill the side views out to the monitor edges. But of course, because you now have the ability to make the field of view so much bigger and "see more" the temptation is to do just that. I have trouble getting my head around what actually happens but it seems to me a bit like being in a goldfish bowl and looking through a keyhole. If you want to see more of the bowl you have to make it bigger like blowing up a balloon which is what San's is doing. Except you are not in a bowl you are seeing a 2D representation on a flat screen and beyond a limited range the two are irreconcilable and so you get increasing distortion and anomalies. Because the effect is like blowing up a balloon then the surface is moving away from you as the view increases and so the depth of field increases with better distance perception and 3D appearance.
  22. I know this is an old thread but having read it I thought I'd give Sans FOV another go as I have tried it before with all the problems others have had. After a lot of experiementing I hit on settings which I found flipping brilliant. I set default, max and min FOV all to 170 and all keys for changing FOV to none. In game I made sure 6 DoF was active for Track IR. I also had auto activate and restart ticked. I don't know if it had an effect but the Ecran_Wide mod was active. When San's FOV was started and IL2 launched San's kicked in automatically. Everything looked vastly improved. Sitting normally the whole cockpit is visible, the instrument panel, mirror (in Spitfire), rudder pedals and down each side to the seat. But everything looks completely natural, there are no distortions, the dials are perfectly round and the wings are straight out with no bits missing even when looking back. It feels like you are really sitting in a plane and everything has a much more pronounced 3D effect. On the ground the runway is nice and wide and in the air the view appears far more panoramic, tracking other planes is far easier with much better SA. Sitting normally the instruments appear further away and with my 1680 by 1050 res the smaller text is broken and difficult to read but lean forward a little and everything zooms in beautifully. This works especially well with the gun sight. Lean in and it's right there with everything lined up. In fact I think that is the biggest game improvement. I used to have the hat switch mapped to toggle FOV, gunsight view etc. etc. but that is now completely unnecessary, head movement and Track IR does it all. I'll try and work out how to do some screen shots although I doubt they'll do full justice. I use an LG L226WTQ-SF monitor and 8600GTS card.
  23. Shadrach

    [Net] Speed

    The little green internet connection squares on my screen were heading for infinity and beyond so it doesn't surprise me although I wouldn't rule out it just being my flying. If it means I'm harder to hit then then perhaps I wont experiament with the settings too much. It doesn't help either if my lad goes on line in the middle of a game.
  24. Shadrach

    [Net] Speed

    Well, that about sums it up. Makes more sense than a creation v evolution debate.
  25. Shadrach

    [Net] Speed

    Thanks very much for that Perfesser, interesting and helpful. Think I'll pursue the meaning of life, the universe and everything now.
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