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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. It does look pretty cool. Although I would only want to use voice recognition for a very few commands, mainly those I mentioned above plus perhaps using the chat window to control AI etc and you could possibly type in the comms window using voice if the need arose. For everything else I would use my joystick and throttle quadrant and I have the switches and buttons and a Bodnar board to make a more realistic control panel than a keyboard if I ever find the time. To use voice commands for anything else would perhaps start feeling a little Star Warsy for a WWII flight simm. I found the utility quite quick and easy to set up and use and above all else it's completely free.
  2. In my on going quest for better immersion I have been playing around with the speech recognition utility found in the control panel. I have been using it for pilot based controls such as toggling gunsight, centering TIR, SansFOV, icons, calling up the map etc. In fact anything that is not activated by an actual control in the cockpit. I find it works quite nicely. It seems a bit more natural to say 'press D' or 'press Delta' for instance when centring your sights than to press a joystick button or reach for the keyboard. It soon becomes second nature and frees up a few buttons, especially the hat switch. I now use the hat switch for firing guns with my thumb which is a little more realistic than using the trigger. The only downside is that even though it works with little more than a whisper it would still probably be picked up on teamspeak so you really need to use press button mode rather than voice activation. I tend to do this anyway as my house is often a little rowdy. I am sorting out a button to keystroke utility so I can use one of my redundant joystick buttons as the microphone button.
  3. An anxious moment with my computer on line last night. Got so engrossed that I didn't notice my right leg getting warmer and a hot smell wafting from the case. Flying back on an enjoyable last mission there was a pop and the system died stone dead. Oops. Luckily no damage done and it rebooted when cool. Must get more fans...must get more fans.

    1. Gothkrieger


      Yeah, I may have heat problems as well but not aroma of burnt flesh though.

    2. Tonar


      You should get more fans !

  4. Which forum am I reading? Ubi Zoo or Banana?
  5. Not working today so thought I'd do the computer. Wow, impressive. I now have everything on maximum and antialiasing set to 32 and the Black Death track runs at a solid 64fps (I have sync on) except when the cluster bombs drop when they drop to around 40 for about a second. Excellent.
  6. Shadrach

    Forum Woes

    I usually type up my post in notepad so I can save it and come back later if I get sidetracked before I finish then copy and paste it. I generally find my posts don't seem to appear for me until I have left the forum and returned or refreshed.
  7. Hooray! My computer bits came today. Don't know how well Clod will run but card and board look the part for sure. Real beasties. I have a big old biege tower to put them in and I was going to spray it a nice bright red but I don't think I am going to contain myself that long.
  8. Yeah, my finger keeps straying to the 'stuff the insurance, I'll have a beer', option. I just prefer AMD, nVidia and SLI to Intel, ATI and Crossfire, although I suspect that latter may well be better, probably for the same reasons I would rather have a British or Italian motorcycle than Japanese. Agricultural and masochistic are words that come to mind.
  9. I use a FSX 3D force feedback headset. It has woofers that vibrate on low frequency sound. Not that brilliant in game but great for listening to rock music. They also make your ears rattle a bit when CanGoose and Rox chip in on teamspeak but no probs from Jedi.
  10. Oh Lordy. I'm dithering over £36. I'm upgrading as follows Athlon II 5000 to a Phenom Quad 965 and 8600GTS to a GeF GTX 560 Ti. My motherboard is a cheap £30 job so that will be replaced by an Asus AM3 M4N98TD. So I also have to get some DDR3 RAM. I am thinking that should make a reasonable, balanced system with a bit of headroom for future improvement plus everything is designed for over clocking. I didn't want to spend over £500 and the best prices I could find are from Ginger6 who I have used before at £456.62 or Scan Computers at £492.40 for identical componants. The Scan price includes £8 postage (which is free from Ginger) plus Scansure insurance at £14 which covers any accidental componant damage I may cause when installing the bits. So what are the chances of me screwing up? I've done quite a bit of fiddling about inside computers without mishap but it could always happen. And then again £36 would pay for Clod. Oh well - I have both shopping baskets ready and I will hit go with one of them before I go to bed.
  11. So what does B16Enk mean? And how do you say it?
  12. I think that picture should be moved to the top ten hottie tottie post!
  13. I'm with all thats been said in previous posts. Looking forward to Clod and think it should look miles better than IL2 with dynamic shadows, much more realistic cockpit frames, lighting and instruments etc. etc. etc. But it does only cover a few months in a small theatre over the channel with a limited plane set. So maybe it will begin to get a little stale after a bit before the next updates appear. Also my computer has a snowballs chance in hell of running it, hell, it can only just manage IL2. I'm lucky to get over 40fps at 20,000 feet over the sea with no other planes anywhere near. It normally chugs along at half that. But I am in the process of finalising an upgrade and hope to order the bits over the next couple of days. Although I have a fairly restricted budget as far as gaming systems go it should run Clod reasonably well. It will eat IL2 though and it would be nice to be able to carry on playing it for a while without sometimes wondering if it's made of treacle. So my vote would be to swing both ways for a while.
  14. Hoped to fly tonight but little lad been stuffing stuff into drive bays and computer died, bless him, just got it working again. These videos are on utube, sorry don't know how to make a proper link. They look quite promising. Oh - it worked! Actually the first one has already been posted by BluBear. http://www.youtube.c...o0Yf4HM&index=1 http://www.youtube.c...o0Yf4HM&index=2
  15. Oh well, if you are paying I think you'll find Newport Pagnell about halfway between Exeter and Plymouth.
  16. What about a Skoda Yeti? They are brilliant. They must be. Jewomy Clarkson said they were.
  17. Sorry, the Game-o-Meter estimates that the overall performance of your system is under the publisher’s minimum requirements. Even though your computer has all the required hardware features the performance is estimated to be poor, even at the lowest possible visual settings. Insufficient video card performance is the most likely cause.Hey ho - just what I thought.
  18. Ha ha - god, I wish. If I could give them away I'd probably save enough to buy a real Spitfire.
  19. Looks like a new vid card for me - I've only got a 8600GTS. My Athlon X2 5000 is probably a bit borderline as well. In which case a rebuild with a decent motherboard might be looming. The question is to look at Sandy Bridge (whoever she is) or, being more of an AMD man up till now, go for a 930a chipset board and a decent Phenom II CPU which will have the added advantage of giving me some extra heating during the long winter months. I would also need DDR3 ram so if I was to budget £500 I could get whatever card I could afford with the balance. So I suppose something like an Asus M4N98TD EVO NF 980a motherboard, a Phenom II x 4 956 plus 8Gb ram would leave enough for an EVGA 1208Mb GTX470.
  20. Of course it dose. If you subtract your age from this year you will have your date of birth so adding your age to your date of birth will give current year - 2011. You wierd people.
  21. Oleg dose seem to move in a slightly mysterious way. Untile very recently he was giving the impression that although the bulk of the work was probably done there was an awful lot of tweaking, testing and debugging to do and all the stuff shown on Fridays was said to be work in progress. Suddenly there was an apparent leak, denials and a rushed launch announcement full of inacuracys and typos and much confusion.His team have been working on the project for 6 years? Surely they could come up with better promotional material than the video put out containing stuff thats been kicking around the forums and Utube for ages including the cliffs with trees at the base. I'm sure the game will be brilliant but I get the feeling something odd has happened somewhere.
  22. It looks pretty impressive. Did you make it up as you went along or were you working to a plan? I love the use of all the odd bits of wood and scrap and stuff. Are those castors with the wheels removed being used as pivots? I enjoy messing around doing this sort of stuff almost as much as playing the game. I did something very similar using an old Logitech Wingman. It's so much better having the joystick in the right place and a decent length for extra enjoyment. Keep up the good work.
  23. There are people here with lots more knowledge than me but two things I needed to do is down load a little programme from SecuROM to overcome an issue with the the copy protection used and also run game as administrator.
  24. Well, a very Merry Christmas to all you Dogz out there and a successful coming year.
  25. Does that mean you have to hump the dog to show who's boss? Why am I contributing to this post?
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