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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. Shadrach

    [Net] Speed

    Just curious - what effect, if any, does changing the speed= value under [NET] in config have?
  2. I think that is probably the best solution for any Microsoft application problem - get something else.
  3. At least yours is ex
  4. I've had to work today but I'm back on the case now and seem to have solved it. I couldn't find anything like a 'What You Hear' input device on my system but I did find a driver on the web. I crossed my fingers, touched wood and gave next doors black cat a good kick (its always in our garden digging holes) and removed the sound card from the device manager. When I reinstalled the download the ingame sounds were back to normal - hooray. I still for the life of me am completely mystified as to why the problem should only affect the sound in IL2. I will wait to see if teamspeak is still OK tommorow. Thanks for your ideas.
  5. I've tried muting microphone in control panel to no effect. The fact that the problem is in all copies of the game, several in the programmes folder and several in a seperate folder outside the programmes folder and none of which have had this problem before makes me think it must be either a driver or a hardware problem. I normally only use one particular game installation and if that one was flakey but the other installations were OK then it would most likely be a game setting at fault. If it was a hardware problem then I would have thought other sounds on the system would be affected, teamspeak, youtube, dvds etc. but they are all fine. The most likely cause it would seem to me would be a driver or a driver conflict that only seems to interfere with IL2. It really is a bit wierd. The hard drive and Windows I have has been connected to two different motherboards both with onboard audio plus I have installed an external PCI Trust sound card. The onboard sound has been disabled in the bios but maybe there are some drivers left over somewhere causing the problem. Under Sound, video and game controllers I have: Audio Codecs CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device LegacyAudio Drivers Legacy Video Capture Devices Media Control Devices Standard Game Port Video Codecs They all come up as being installed and working properly. I have also run Driver Fetch which says there are 2 critical updates needed for the Sound, video and game controllers, one for the CMI8738/C3DX PCI Audio Device and another for Realtek High Definition Audio. I had found disabling the PCI Audio Device disables all sound so have enabled it again . I think this is what may have triggered the problem in the first place. I wonder if the Realtek driver might be more to do with an onboard sound setup from the past. I'm a little reluctant to remove or reinstall drivers without some more expert input as to be honest my expertese tends to be in screwing up.
  6. I've tried it with communication both on and off - no difference.
  7. Yes it does
  8. I've been having various problems running the game, blue screen crashes, echoing teamspeak and terminal " The memory could not be "read"". messages. These seem to be sorted except for one last one that suddenly started last night and has me foxed. All sounds in game repeat twice, button clicks, AI voices, engine sounds, weapons etc. All other computer sounds including teamspeak in and out of the game are perfect. This problem is in both 4.09 clean and ultrapack 2 versions and all my old backups that havn't been run for months. I've run RegInOut to clean up the system and driver sweep to check for odd drivers floating around all to no avail. The problem started when I disabled CM18738/C3DX PCI Audio Device in the hardware manager. I enabled it again but had no sound in game even though all other computer sounds including teamspeak came back. On investigating I found that SoundUse = 0 under [sound] in config but this entry was =1 in the configs of all the other games I have. I changed it to = 1 and the sound came back but with the double repeat. But I don't think it is a config problem as, like I said, it also happens even in old copies. Any ideas you techies?
  9. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone. I've got the TS3 sorted, as I suspected it was me being dense. Will try and look in on Thursday for a quick spin but I start work 6am GMT this week and crawl out of bed before 5 so it wont be for long. I've been fairly well hooked on IL2 for a while - starting with the original Sturmovic disc - but I still fall spectacuarly short of an ace. I used to fly as Farmer Giles untile I changed email address and found I couldn't use it any more. I enjoy the hardware side as well as the game, building my own computers etc. I've even knocked up a fairly successful joystick and pedal set which is a work in progress. I've just turned 58 but as I havn't noticed too many spring chickens hopping around here I don't feel so bad. Judging from my own kids I suppose the learning curve and commitment needed for the game dosn't appeal to so many of the spotty ones. Plus it's ancient history. I've become immune to the sneers of my loved ones, "Oh look - the sad old git is on the computer playing with his aeroplanes again hoo hoo. And he's got his baseball cap with the deely boppers on hoo hoo hoo". I come from Devon, SW England, right on the edge of Dartmoor so I know all about sheep. Watch out when I join you, I'm pure killer grrr.
  10. Hello god People. BG was kind enough to invite me to join The Danger Dogz which I consider an honour. Just sniffing around - not cocked a leg yet. I've downloaded TS3 but when I try to connect I get: <20:23:49>Failed to resolve hostname '':Host not found. Probably something simple and obvious but any pointers welcome. Not sure how often I can fly as computer time in our house is hotly contested. I have claimed Saturday nights and defend them ruthlessly and bloodily but other times might be a bit tricky depending on homework, social networking and internet shopping. Will have to build another system and install it in the bedroom (more black looks from the old trouble). I much enjoy the Saturday Coops. Basically I'm still the little kid I was way back when when we used to fantasize we were Spitefire pilots tearing around the playground yeowling and rat tating at each other except now, with computers, software and electronic gadgets and gizmos, I can fantasize beyond the wildest dreams I had back then, so I'll be buggered if I let over 5 decades of creeping senility and cynicism get in the way. Hope to fly with you soon.
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