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Everything posted by Shadrach

  1. A quick Google seems to suggest they would work but at the lowest clock speed. I will dig out the motherboard manual tomorrow and see what that says. When I bought my memory I made a bit of a boob because I thought it would need to be installed in pairs but in fact I could have installed just one modual to start with so I would have been better off getting 1 4Gb rather than 2 x 2Gb. That would have made upgrading more cost effective.
  2. May well be interested in lifting the memory off your hands as I have two spare slots but not sure if they would work with memory I have as specs are a bit different. I will have to investigate. The sticks I have populating the board have following specs: Web Address www.patriotmemory.com Model Number PGS34G1600ELKA Package Type Retail Warranty 10 Years Gross Weight 0.10Kg Type DDR3 (Dual Channel) Capacity 4GB (2 x 2GB) Clock Speed 1600MHz Compliance PC12800 CAS Latency 9.0 9-9-9-24 Chipset Patriot No. of Chips 16 Per Stick Pins 240 Per Stick Side Double Per Stick Voltage 1.8V
  3. Feeling a little smug. Have to get a new suit for daughters wedding which is approaching like express train. Found one I liked in a local department store. Was able to try it on for right size, colour etc. Checked online to see if I could get it cheaper and found site giving out discount activation codes. Went to manufacturers site and ordered from there, tried the code and got 40% off which saved me nearly £90 plus I know it will fit and what it will look like which is always a little hit or...

  4. Out of the current crop of female singer song writers I quite like Paloma Faith. Does a neat turn as a quick frock change artist to boot.
  5. Sounds like your brother was frying cod.
  6. Perfect. I would be interested to know how our excitable friends from the colony are reacting in Washington?
  7. Thanks Fruitbat, you're de mods man.
  8. Ouch! Well that will teach goats to frequent such dodgy terrain. If they stuck to nice flat grassy fields like sheep they wouldn't have that problem. Just a little random worrying by the odd Dogz?
  9. Thanks for that - just what I needed. Will any of those mods cause problems online?
  10. Ok, just need to check in with you UP3 gurus. I have downloaded and installed UP3 and flown a couple of single missions and it all seems to be working fine. A couple of questions.To use UP3 I just move it across in JGSM but are the only mods I can use are the ones with #UP# in front or will the other mods from my old 4.10.1 work as well? Which raises a second question. What mods, if any, do I need? Are most of the mods that were needed now incorporated in the update? I must say it has made a big improvement to the game in visuals, FMs and, I think, sounds. I haven't flown over a forest yet but individual trees look much better that CloD even if they don't sway in the wind. It will be interesting to try it out on line.
  11. I suppose if it's female. By the way Sweper, are you refering to baboons? Not altogether sure if plants actually hump.
  12. I drink from a bottle. At home. Alone.
  13. Mine has installed and is running fine. Have only activated the UPS 3 mod in JSGME as yet. I don't think I have widescreen working yet and haven't tried TrackIR but no problems are showing up. I need to tweak the game in nVidia and the config a bit as well.
  14. Just got up at 6 this morning and 82% done with half hour left - yeah. Were all like kiddies at Christmas...........Yep - 25mins later and it is done. Will install this afternoon when I get home.
  15. It does just seem to get better. No real problems with actual playability of the game except perhaps a little flickering flying through some clouds and slight flickering of tree shadows but otherwise it all seems pretty good. The landscape colours are much better. I just need to get on line now. The main thing holding me back a bit is setting up all the new controls that are needed. At the moment I don't even have the space to use a keyboard properly. I have a game pad which helps but could really do with some more sliders. I found my box of bits the other day so must get my finger out and make a control and switch box to fit on the back of my throttle quadrant so everything is to hand. I did get as far as making up the matrix of diodes to connect the buttons and switches to the Leo Bodnar board which is probably the hardest part but that was about 18 months ago. My life is littered with the wreckage of unfulfilled projects and dreams.
  16. I can see your point about preorders but even knowing what I know now about the game I would still buy it without a second thought. I can also see the problems with new people buying it and giving up, getting angry etc. But personally, as a hooked and avid flight simmer, I really don't get the problem with being a beta tester - I just love it. Nobody is going to get a finished game any quicker but having it on my hard drive means I can try it out and play around with it. And lets face it - the stuff that works is absolutely brilliant. What does it really matter if there are issues when updates simply install themselves via steam automatically without problem. It is not like you have to order or buy the next version when it becomes available. Ok, maybe there was a little dishonesty about the state of the game on European release but I am still pleased to have shelled out the purchase price now and have a good prospect of it being put right sometime hopefully soon rather than the project being shelved, or worse, abandoned.
  17. Not quite getting fps I had before but they seem way more even. Tried Black Death Track and it was much worse first time but after running it a couple of times it was a bit better than before especially where explosions were happening. Maybe game needs to rewrite cache files or something before it is back up to speed. I get the feeling they have done a lot that has made things more stable and smooth rather than increase the fps which is all a lot of people seem to worry about.
  18. Trim? I go to the barbers. I haven't been bothering with rudder or aileron trim and have elevator trim on the MS FFB throttle as my throttle is on a Saitek quadrant. I was poking about in my outhouse the other day and unearthed a box of pots, switches, mouse droppings and spiders so I too aim to make something myself..
  19. yes, a very good and helpful night thanks, Jedi. Just need a few more glitches ironing out.
  20. This seems quite interesting, Mayhem. Have downloaded everything and set it all up. When I launch My voice controller it brings up the windows voice recognition utility but I don't seem able to get it working. With the default file loaded the utility reacts but not with the correct keystrokes. Will play with it some more but might need to get back to you for some help.
  21. There is a thread in the forum somewhere by Fruitbat. You have to use the correct .exe. I can't remember off the top of my head but I am sure someone will be along in a mo who can.
  22. Actually, perhaps as my caption my seem a bit crude I should expand a little for the overseas Dogz who may not be up to speed with the HRHs. Both the Royal lads have earnt thier helicopter pilots licenses. Now I am not sure about Harry but it was certainly discovered that Wills had, on at least one occasion, appropriated a fair few million quids worth of military hardware and used it to hop off to a private engagement - namely a late night party in the country. When our eager news hounds enquired at the MoD if this might be true the top brass said 'Oh well, that was a useful operational excersise, wasn't it?' I don't think your average helicopter jock would escape so lightly.
  23. In the obvious spirit of this post: "Do you want to slip round the back and see my chopper?"
  24. Well I could see it in the default windows player no problem and I was deeply shocked that anyone could poke such scurrilous fun at a deeply loved and revered institution - even if they are Germans and Greeks.
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