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Everything posted by Shadrach
Wonder how many Dutch folk died from a Hovis to the back of the head?
Happy birthday to yooooooooooo. (Is that Pipa Middleton running down Westminster Abbey in Fruitbat's post? You dirty Dogz)
Britain dosen't have a constitution in the same way as America and France dose. The monachy used to reign supreme but Cromwell did away with it. The English Civil War was Parliment against the Monachy unlike Republics which were the People against the Monachy.The power of the monarcy passed to parliament entirely except that they screwed up and became even more hated by the people than the monarcy and so were forced to bring back the king by popular demand. Except that they struck a deal whereby the monarcy became more symbolic with the actual power being held by the government. All the pageantry, ceremony, tradition and dressing up that us Brits are so keen on actually describes the balance of powers and checks and balances that make our strange system work and provides a measure of protection for the citizens. I always feel a little nervous when polititians like Blair try to water them down. With America and France, however, it was the people who revolted against the monarcy and so it is the people who hold the ultimate power which is enshrined in thier constitutions. This is particularly striking in the EU. The British parliament accept the laws and regulations handed out by the EU Commission and enforce them on the people and there is nothing the people can do because parliament is soveriegn. The French government accept the same laws and regulations but the people just shrug, stick two fingers up and ignore them because the constitution was written by them. I actually quite like the French and thier anarchic attitude to petty beaurocracy and any rule they don't like such as parking regulations and rather despise the British tendency towards deferential forelock tugging. The saving grace of the British is thier odd sense of humour which they use as a weapon against everything especially themselves. We have a lot of Poles at work and they have absolutely no concept or comprehension of how our ironic style of humour works to the point of it being painful.
? Flipping heck BG you didn't sit there and watch it did you. I suppose the frock wasn't a hoot like her mum in law's. Going by the video posted here I suspect Wills will be otherwise engaged on his evenings off.
Hmmm. Did you find yourself comparing the landscape with the CloD offering, allowing for the 70 year time difference?
I have the new CloD patch with FFB so will be playing with that - inbetween the Spring gardening . Eldest daughter getting married in June. Hip hip hooray!!!! One child flopping out of the nest at last but have to go to an engagement party with the inlaws Saturday so will miss the coop. Feck feck feck.
Just downloaded new patch which includes FFB. First impressions? Looks like another step towards putting CloD right.
Fork and flipping spoon.
I'm finding it pretty good. I have everything set to the maximum with only building details set to low and trees, grass and forest on and it is perfectly playable with plenty of planes including bombers in the sky. Flying so low I am going through the trees I still get 30fps even over Dover with no stuttering. And I think the landscape on those setting looks terrific. I will need to turn quite a bit down to fly over London though, especially intercepting bombers. But why Luthier stopped those lovely dancing instrument needles just because a few people didn't like them I do not know. If that is how they are in real life then that is how they should stay.
Steam Woes
Shadrach replied to Shadrach's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Desert Wings: Tobruk
Tried a straight copy of the steam folder to new drive. Steam launched, then decided it was on a different computer and went through the whole business of sending me a new access code and password. Needless to say the access code wasn't recognised and produced the 'Sorry, that isn't quite right'. message again. -
Steam Woes
Shadrach replied to Shadrach's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Desert Wings: Tobruk
I am not sure if just moving it would help as I was trying to get it to run using a different install of windows rather than just move game to a new location, but I will give it a go. I am still waiting for the next response from steam helpdesk. But in the meantime I think I have got the frame rates back up to speed. It is something running in the background that is the problem as I suspected - hence my keeness to relocate my install to new OS. I have shut down all processes and problem has gone so I just need to narrow it down to actual culprit. Hope to try patch Fruitbat has found as that sounds quite promising. My big killer is the buildings. Keeping building detail to low is biggest help along with the number especially over London. On the whole my fps are now pretty constant at 30 to 40 which is fine. I do find that under some combinations of settings, not sure which exactly, having roads on causes Launcher to crash although it might be just when most settings are high and I then turn on roads last without restarting the game. -
Steam Woes
Shadrach posted a topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Desert Wings: Tobruk
CloD was running fairly well until for no apparent reason the fps dropped to about 10 and no matter what I did wouldn't shift. Eventually after a number of restarts they came back to 40 odd. But when I exited to make some setting changes they dropped back down again to 10 and so it went on. I have a spare 80Gb drive on my system so I cleaned it, installed Windows 7 on it and attempted to reinstall Clod from my disc to eliminate any problems not directly related to the game. Of course Steam then started arsing around wanting to re-authenticate the install and sent me a new code by email. But it wasn't recognised by the dialogue box which said, rather unhelpfully, 'Sorry, that isn't quite right'. I managed to set up a help account and so far have recieved two further codes niether of which worked. Any ideas from you Steam babies? -
I'm running Win 7 64 bit. Another slight glitch I had was that as I started CloD I had a message saying the desktop theme was incompatible and was being changed. Eventually I changed it permenantly to windows classic. Not sure if it helped the game run any better but it seemed to load noticably faster.
I am not quite there with it yet but getting closer. Although the AA dosen't look like it makes much difference it has a massive hit on frame rates for me. Turning down from 8x to 2x made things way better with very little if any loss in visuals. I have everything on max except for no grass and buildings amounts on high and buildings details on low. This gives me 30 - 40fps with the game now looking quite good. I still get a fair bit of stuttering but I think that is down to my running it off an oldish IDE drive rather than the Sata drive which the kids seem to have made thier home. I need to get another drive or perhaps try setting up one of them there ram drives. I have also set the affinity mask to 15 which doubled the cpu usage from 14% to 30%. This still seems very low so I think Oleg's guys have plenty of room to improve things. In fact there will be more benefits for me through code optimization than any more hardware upgrades. As it stands it is running much better now than IL2 did on the hardware I had when I first started playing that. I got: Asus M4N98TD EVO NF 980a SLI AM3 Motherboard Phenome II 965 Quad Core Asus Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti 4gb DDR3 For about £450 which was probably more than worth it just for the improvements it made playing IL2 1946.
Welcome. Don't worry too much ..... you'll get shot by the farmer.
Still Buying The Game
Shadrach replied to CaptJackG's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Desert Wings: Tobruk
To be honest, even if you don't think your kit is up to the job I would still buy the game and give it a go. I have got it installed and I feel like I have a bit of a mountain to climb in terms of getting my head around all the new features. I still havn't worked out how to start the engines and if I jump in with an air start the engine blows oil over the windshield and dies within a few minutes. So even if you cant fly in combat there is quite a bit to keep you occupied at low settings so you are up to speed when you can. I think I am going to look at some of the training missions! -
Deleted 3 backup copies of IL2 and did a defrag last night ready for Clod. Would have set up Steam but internet down all evening. Provider said it was a dodgy node in Reading. Its back up this morning. Just need disc to arrive today and to be sitting by the computer when I get home from work saying, "Load me, load me".
Seeing the Northern Lights is near the top of 'things I'd love to see or do before I die' list......that and playing Clod!
Shadrach replied to T_O_A_D's topic in IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover Blitz and Desert Wings: Tobruk
Doh - you wimps. I have just ordered my copy. I would rather show a bit of faith in Olegs work and buy it even though it dose seem a bit of a lash up at moment. I feel sure it will be sorted out in the end. There is a new video on the Bananas of a Hurrican starting up, going for a spin and landing and it dont look too bad at all. It does falter a couple of times but no worse than IL2 has always done for me on the computers I have had to run it on. Anyway, having paid all I could afford on my upgrade I find IL2 running like a new game so if Clod is a bit of a disapointment I still feel like a kiddie at Christmas especially with new updates due. -
I also dual boot win 7 no probs, one for the kids and one for me password protected. You can do as many installs as you like without violating anything as far as I know because it is all on same PC and you can only run one OS at a time. It helps a bit giving the volume labels a name as they come up on the multi boot screen rather than just a list of 'Windows 7's and it can save a bit of confusion if you have to do a repair on one of them also drive letters seem to rearange themselves on occasion whilst volume labels dont..
Nope. But all good fun. Wouldn't life be sad if all we had were games consuls?
I have Windows 7 and I'm pretty certain it's in Vista and it could also be in XP. I just spotted it in Control Panel whilst fannying around trying to sort out issues with TS and thought hmm what does that do. There are various programms for mapping key strokes to controller buttons. I have installed Autohotkey but that looks way too complicated for what I want but there are plenty of others. There is no reason you cant just use your keyboard its just that I have virtually no desk space. I only have 1ft 6ins square (about 450mm x 450mm in new money) to fit a Saitek quadrant, Sidewinder FF2 plus keyboard and room to swing a mouse. The monitor floats over the top attatched to an arm and the keyboard gets shoved to the back underneath so it is difficult to reach. I do use a Nostromo game pad which takes up much less space and is pretty effective plus it has its own software for mapping keys but I think the press to talk button would be much better placed on the joystick as it is one of the most important buttons when flying with the Dogz - God bless them all.
And another thing which might work with voice recognition in Clod is that if you say 'show numbers' then every item on screen that can be clicked with a mouse is given a number and then you say 'click whichever number' and that item is activated. Which might be handy in clickable cockpits. Although this feature dosen't work with the various setup screens in IL2 so I wouldn't hold my breath on that one.
Are you guys taking this seriously? Anyway shouting eject wouldn't work . You would have to know which keyboard key I have mapped to eject and shout that. And I would never tell so you would have to shout every key until I popped out of my plane. And even then I might have eject mapped to one of my redundant joystick hat switches then you would all look pretty silly, wouldn't you?