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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. lol no rush Zooly
  2. Yeah zooly that'll work. Well now that zooly offered That i'll only need A dvd drive.
  3. Wow did notice that
  4. Oh no the school must be getting to my brain
  5. A dvd drive DDR2 momery and a intel prosseser
  6. My fellow Dogz we have a snag. I dont have any work till next Year
  7. The ones at first Were pretty nastyfull
  8. It looks a little beat up
  9. that was sweet
  10. Smash

    lol Just guess

  11. Man im diein thryin too get my computer up and running and you guys are goin on bout 4.09 LOL. It LOOKS SWEET though. I miss flying so bad. Ima go Crazy lol.
  12. duh only all of the hot ones
  13. Smash

    lol Just guess

  14. Smash

    lol Just guess

    definition A foolish or stupid person.
  15. Okie one of my teachers made this word up guess what it means. LOL habadabahubaluba
  16. Morenci. and man football is kicken my A$$ im so tired after practice. other then science schools going really well.
  17. Hopefully i can join in on the week ends when i get my computer done. Which is soon to be finished. Im not sure how many of you guys know i WAS home schooled but yeah i WAS home schooled. but now that im not any more really makes flying a weekend and holiday thing for me. but im Still here. So From what i know the teamspeak address changed can any one help me with that one? and is there any thing else i should know that changed in the few months ive been gone mods servers ect? Smash
  18. Looks Awesome. Man i need to get done building this rig.
  19. Smash

    Lost my Wife

  20. Smash

    It's 1945...

    Thats weird
  21. i got it
  22. i can make time for both
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