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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. Smash

    This Movie???

    Pearl harbor really. Yikes i dont remeber that LOL i didnt like that movie much
  2. Does any one have any idea what movie this is from? Its not The BoB movie i just watched theirs no tracers in that one. Any one know?
  3. MP and the holy grail - taunting french
  4. No never i love that movie
  5. I can count to 5 3. 1,2,5 "three sir three!" 3!
  6. Wow the Corsairs A beast compared the the seafire.
  7. This is how its done killer bunny and the holy grenade of antioch
  8. how did IronMan Get mixed in with this
  9. Roger Doger.
  10. Do you take your dog everywhere tonar lol.
  11. Thanks guys Im not sure What cinematography means But Im sure your rite. Smash :fighting:
  12. Yeah Starwars Rocks lol. "booyah Dingdong"
  13. LOL Nice pics Sweper.
  14. Smash

    Screen Problem

    Okiez Its Fixed Thanks Guys
  15. Hey Thanks Gec Helped ALOT.
  16. Smash

    Screen Problem

    I have tried To fix it in Il,2Stetup thing It Work a little but still not All the Way. No Couldn't Figure Out That Usb Thing. Thats About all i really tried. I was Wondering If It Was Part of vista Because The Bar At the bottem.
  17. I have a Screen Problem I think it has to do with vista im not sure. When i start il,2 The picture Size gets smaller idk Whats up.
  18. Whats That? How Do i Do This i have no idea what im doing vista Confuses mE
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