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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. Is there a ts overlay for vista? i recoverd my computer and some how i got Vista (dont ask idk)
  2. I ended up using the recovery disks
  3. ok
  4. (O_o) I have no Clue How to use this disk. Help
  5. Yup have the disk rite here
  6. So what should i do?
  7. OK heres what im getting. My game will just stop in the middle of a coop.
  8. okiez il take a screen shot next time the error thing pops up.
  9. Smash

    My new toy

    Thats awesome
  10. OK downloading now.
  11. I hope this is what you need ------------------ System Information ------------------ Time of this report: 5/3/2009, 13:08:59
  12. Yeah
  13. I dont have run on my Start Panel Thats odd now What?
  14. Ok now my graphics driver keeps shutting down anything i can do to fix that?
  15. ok il have to try that then
  16. Beebop you have a new associate ME. Yes our bus has a small problem lol.
  17. This map is sooo much fun Its awesome
  18. That reminds me of Ace combat. Im downloading this map rite now.
  19. LOL Terpets on Tracks.
  20. http://strangevehicles.greyfalcon.us/ratte.html I hade this tank for the really crapy flightsim i had lol yeah i had a tank.
  22. i was thinking the same thing
  23. LOL
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