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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. Smash

    saitek profiler

    Yeah i can get there but i don't know how to turn on the profile after that.
  2. Smash

    saitek profiler

    Yeah thats where i was getting them man. im not sure whats up i cant find what your talking about.
  3. Smash

    saitek profiler

    idk if i have the right thing were did u get ur download?
  4. Smash

    saitek profiler

    ok i have a saitek x52 and a rublepad v.3 cyborg i want to use the rumblepad but when i turn on profiler i goes to my x52 what do i do? ( and yes the x52 is unpluged) SMash
  5. Wow nice find man.
  6. Wow that would really suck
  7. WOW that would give my computer a processor attack lol.
  8. No comment
  9. im thinking a f14 or f16 not positive though
  10. The su-35 never won the joint strike thing so i dont think it would be killing much lol. oh and nice plane TOAD ROFL
  11. im not gunna lie i think that may have been the most boring thing i've ever seen.(and in english we are wathing something called west side something rather and its about ballerina gangsters that snap their fingers) Rofl dont ask.
  12. Smash

    Little help

    ok im good it work thanks
  13. Smash

    Little help

    lemme try it quik
  14. Smash

    Little help

    why does this keep happening
  15. Thats sweet
  16. Vulcan gun sweet. i want one for a p40 lol.
  17. I have to get one of those.
  18. Smash

    Smash's models

    I had it made for me.
  19. Here is a model i made. not the best paint job but it looks sweet anyway.
  20. I did do it i mean didn't
  21. Wow crazyness. Funny story
  22. glad to see our militarys doing something important
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