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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. my dad was talkin about this and i havnt watched it till now... sweet
  2. Now all your missing is a landing strip behind your house....... or are you? haha vary nice... im guessing you can see your house on Google earth.
  3. just started 2-a-days. play'n varsity weeeooo. sore as sore gets lol.

  4. vary sorry to hear that.... They have my prayers.
  5. Smash


    haha smash want.... but cant have... arrgghh haha.
  6. me thinks i know why u guys call girls the devil all the time... yeesh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smash


      haha nice.

    3. Tonar


      Just be wary.... there are sucubusses out there. So far so good on my end. but I have heard stories.

    4. Tonar


      Tribunus.. That's a great quote.

  7. haha nice... sounds like you fish a lil but then hahaha. nice pictures btw.
  8. OMG thats so funny i nvr knew why they had that lol.
  9. NOICE....
  10. Tougher than Nails...... That guy ate charlies in his bowl o' nails for breakfest.
  11. HOORAY!!
  12. Hahaha that Great!!!!
  13. I feel your pain fruitbat...... for quite awile now....
  14. haha zooly rocks haha.. i want that MOD... hahahha the tracers alone would be enough to make the game lagg from that beast haha.
  15. LMFAO-ROFL-LOL........ Hahahaha Fecken mods look what you can do with em now HAHAHAHAHHAA.... Thats just wrong hahahah
  16. Smash

    What Is That?

    BAAHHAHAAHAHA ^^^^^^^^^^ I dont wanna know...
  17. cedar point had a blast. rode em all haha... had to jump some canadians......... their car crazy head. what were you thinkin?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Smash


      my bad i ment their car... as in the canadians cars....... crazy baahahaha

    3. Snacko


      Oh, you jumped their battery? I thought you jumped 'them' and kicked their ass..

    4. Smash


      ahaha no crazy head.....hahahahaha.

  18. Smash

    What Is That?

    you know people that brag about there..... Well thing really have nothing to brag about scientific studys show............................. HAHA just messin lol.
  19. Smash


    A lobster becoming a dawg that sounds a bit trippy.... hhhaaa welcome Mr. lobster Sir.. i have to adress everyone like that i dont get seniority till im 18.. baahhhhaaa.
  20. Smash

    What Is That?

    Oh wow what a fail chopped the refuiling thing off haha....
  21. IT.........IS..........REALLY>>>>>HOT<<<<<

  22. Dont coma knocken if the tunnel isa rocken..... baaahahaa lol.
  23. HAHA thats Awesome sounds like a blast..... im goin to wrightpatterson this year hopefully thats pretty kool.... but its not just ww2. and the ww2 planes r best hahaha.
  24. those are pretty awesome. is that at that thing all u brittish Dawgs r goin to?
  25. Smash

    Anything Cool

    The hotttttt chick cutting my hair said i should go with a flattop mohawk but i said ill pass hahaha...... i think it looks intimidating haha.
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