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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. NICE. Thats one of my favorite planes
  2. Awesome thanks Snacko.
  3. Swwwwweeeeettttt
  4. Woops ok ill need this lol. http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0274196 Some thermal paste. and i dont have any thing that is sata and i cant think of the other hook up i think its analog. any way i could use a 4way analog cable (if there's a such thing)and thats all i need. SmAsH
  5. I got my computer up and running.
  6. I would Germans were involved with the naming of that town. LOL
  7. lol Nice
  8. Roger that Snacko
  9. ok last thing I need an Operating system. Then i can get this thing up and running.
  10. Nice
  11. Smash

    TS IP

  12. Smash

    TS IP

    Can someone direct me to the TS ip Thread. Smash
  13. Yeah i have a heat sink from another computer i have. Yeah by all means just send the chip.
  14. What an idiot. NO. i cant beleave that thats sad
  15. Ive never watched friday night lights.this year because i was new to the school and never played football for a school i kinda floated around in defence and offence. i love Smash'n people its so much fun. oh oh and i got fumble when i was on defence that game it was sweet.
  16. That rite there's why im called smash
  17. I haven't said much about me playing football but i had THE most FUN at my last game I had to share. My number is 95#. We Won 42/16. Are lead running back(# played wile he was sick and still managed to get 212 yards. there is more pics Here-->http://www.zrphoto.net/Morenci-Athletics/Morenci-Footb/Morenci-vs-Whiteford-JV-2009/10105268_q4VRJ#P-1-15 if this isn't enough. Had an awesome game. SMASH
  18. LoL i hope
  19. Awesome i'll cover shipping cost for ya.
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