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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. good ol 5 hrs of sleep you always seem to find me some how..... even on the weekends i might add.... wow to think of the person i might be with 6 or maybe even 7 hrs of sleep..... crazy... haha sleeps over rated anyways.

    1. BluBear


      That's how I live, 5-6 hrs is more than enough sleep! Leaves more time to fly ;-)

    2. Smash


      yeah most the time im doin Home work :P

  2. Smash

    1/48 Rn Phantom

    This is one of my favorite aircraft from the Nam era and this model was done VARY DAMN well good job...
  3. Smash


    ROFL.... i got a txt with this in it like A BILLIONTIMES :roflmao: :roflmao:
  4. Now thats a well time tested piece of killing machinery right there........ me and my fathers favorite aircraft from WWII i might add. SMASH LIKES WHAT HE SEES.
  5. holy 4am time for bed...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................txt me 2morrow.............................................................................................................................................................

  6. lets get this tri over with i wanna play baseball already...

  7. Hmmmm.........Where's the Woogit! Bhahahahaha thats great....
  8. wow and i thought my B-29 was hard too make.... pretty sure this ones waaaayy past my abilities hahaha. Sweet though.
  9. March cant come any sooner......

  10. anyone got 5 bucks?

  11. Ahhh sure is a good friday.... or Tuesday? wait no maybe uuuuhhh thursday... idk what ever day it is i cant remember.

  12. pffff my government is Idiocracy........ goin ta Nick Hunt's dadios.

  13. Wow confused and ina bad mood... recipe for destruction if u ask me.

  14. wow finally some sleep... needed that 2 hr delay haha.

    1. Snacko


      2hr Fog Delay for school! Only thing better is Snow cancellation...

  15. the aircraft one was best haha.... nice post.
  16. NOICE WIN BOYS.... had one of the best nights... made alota plays hahahaha....

  17. im smash i dont have a face.... OR eyes maaahaaahaaaaaaa<------- crazy evil laugh...
  18. haha itsa blast.... but when u got to little schools u have teams that have problems keeping players eligible.... our last game got canceled because of that reason... so im goin varsity this week hahaha.
  19. haha nope just was born that way.... i actually lost a bit of weight this season hahahaha... im hoping to get flying sometime i miss it alot.
  20. take it easy Bg recover soon man...
  21. had a blast this year played ALOT more then last year.... here some sweet pics. have fun finding me in this one lol.... look for the kid gettin smashed by #95 haha...
  22. Yep thats smash. had a good yr played in every play but like 4 all year haha.... little pissed that whiteford canceled but had a good yr.
  23. Smash

    Old 666

    thats awesome... need a mod of that B-17 bahahaha...
  24. sleep is over rated! haha

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