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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  2. To all you admin peoples lol. do i have to be a puppy still i mean seen how im 18 the dangerdogz thing issss LIES lol. but if painless has some kind of admittance ceremony IM OUT I'll be a puppy lol looking forward to flyin again.... when i fix my headset.... it died.
  3. yup haha... Is there a point to selective service just wondering? i mean theres no way our country would even allow a draft anymore we would have bunchesa hippies saying its wrong lol.
  4. Never again snacko... lol times like these when i wish i didnt have such good eye sight This is what i meant by GRIZZLEEEYYY. outlaw dipper FUNNY guy. well if your'a redneck haha. yeah had a great one.
  5. LMao thanks guys... lol now i can get my grizzly legally oops was that out loud
  6. damn there must have been a dangerdog in there..... maybe that was one of my landings caught on tape damn paparazzi cant shake em.
  7. Smash

    Holy Sh*t!

    that would be friggen sweet to experience.
  8. haha and i thought i looked like a nerd with a reflective sticker on the front of my hat........ BAHAHAHAHA nice.
  9. Smash


    well that sux... i try not to drink to meny hahaha....
  10. LOL that half time show was a huge fail.... the dancing peoples and slash are what made the show sorta haha.
  11. Smash

    Smash Time

    Oh Yeah
  12. Smash


    From the album: Smash Time

    my new set up ooohhh yeah.

    © © DangerDogz.com

  13. THAT was sweeeett.
  14. fail.... lol
  15. Smash

    Nice Cockpit

    I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. well someone knows what they want with life bahahahaha. :roflmao::roflmao:
  17. Smash

    Haha Fail!

    HAHAHA yeah.. my buddy started sayin hobos for no reason so now i say it all the time haha.
  18. Smash

    Haha Fail!

    Me and a buddy got a lil bored a few days ago haha.
  19. Well heres what my Frankensmash (my compys name bahahaha) is getting on that benchmark software.
  21. HAHa heres a good one.
  22. Ha i know dangerdogz dont land they run out of bullets.... haa
  23. I actually have a few kool ones... even though i haven't played for awile heres one of a skin i mad for Qauzi awile back.... i like it haha. . This ones just funny haha.
  24. haha my last names HEINZE rofl...... german WWII ninjas hahahahah.... i like the whole story thing lol that was pretty awesome... nice pics.
  25. Rox nvr had the pleasure to talk or fly with you but that is the same way i am hahaha.... Mark my words i will be flying after xmas.. getting compy parts for xmas haha...
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