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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by Smash

  1. Heres my sorry excuse for a B-29 model lol. i started building it when I was like 16 and got impatient and quit building it, that was like 3 years ago, so I tried to patch up what i could and make it half decent. The end
  2. haha
  3. holy fruit salad batmobile?.... lol
  4. one word EPIC.... lol.
  5. lmao nuff said
  6. take a looksy i got bored being all sick and what not.
  7. LOL nice one tonar... Pics sound cool to me.
  8. Thats pretty sweet nice find man
  9. Dang that il76 got WRECKED.
  10. Im thinking i can get software deals from the school or my teacher might hook me up. ive been pretty good. i really dont know what you guys are running for il'2 anymore AGAIN. guess thats what i get for distaperin all the time.
  11. I got accepted into a computer class at a trade school where I'm from and its great I get to bata test windows 8. so basically my class is gunna hack it destroy it and dismantle this thing so we can tell Microsoft to get there Sh*t strait Just wanted to share that with my DAWGZ. i just want to get back in touch with all of you again. I tend to fall off the face of the earth time to time.
  12. Terrible thing too see when i come back to the DDZ forums. One of the greatest hosts. SALUTES JIM :icon_salut:
  13. Taaaduhhh... voted best of luck to them.
  14. just stocked up on fire wood not too long ago.... aaaaahhh love the smell of a chainsaw.
  15. Your the ones that play that crazy game... ha wow. my lil bro played that for 12 hrs the one day i was like WHAAAAATTTT your crazy.
  16. Haha pretty sweet.
  17. Hahaha like a boss.. i love my rig i have goin on here.
  18. Haha if only i had one now LMAO
  19. With a lil smash rewiring and some DUCKTAPE this baby (me headset) is good as new haha.
  20. Smash


    Looks like i need ta get my headset workin again i want in on this.
  22. Oh i bet you guys did. lol
  23. HAHA my computers cryin right now.... I told it theres no way its getting something like that uber card of crazamazinglytastic frame rates and perfect clarity
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