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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Memo for General Circulation to All Members of the Dead-Horse Policy Review Commission. Would all Members dying on the job please lie down; otherwise, they are indistinguishable from those still actively engaged in their work. Thank you.
  2. You make it look simple, Rattler. The sign of an experten. Found a thread with more info on flying the 190: http://www.acompletewasteofspace.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=13743&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 Hope this helps everybody! Strider
  3. Cool looking units, m8's! Got my heart set on this for my next rig: May have to build an add-on room for it---gonna be a while, I guess. Strider
  4. Port Colborne! The Duke's! The Belmont! The Queen's! Canal Days! Some of the best walleye, perch and smallmouth fishing in North America. Some pretty big pike in the bay in the spring. 15-20 lb carp in 12" of water then, too. I've seen some of the impressive pic's you posted, beautiful, m8. Unfortunately, I don't know any of the chaps involved in the Silver Dart project but it's great to see something of that magnitude done here, especially with the latest round of plant layoffs and closings. Hope they get it in the air on Feb. 23 at Baddeck Bay, N. S. Strider
  5. I would second that request to the powers that be. Quality stuff that would enhance anyone's collection, imho. Strider
  6. February 23, 1909---the Silver Dart flew at Baddeck Bay, Nova Scotia http://news.sympatico.msn.cbc.ca/Home/ContentPosting?newsitemid=silverdart-hamilton&feedname=CBC-TOPSTOIRES-V3&show=False&number=0&showbyline=True&subtitle=&detect=&abc=abc&date=True The replica was built at Welland, Ontario, where I live and work. Finally, something to be proud of about this place.
  7. ~S~ Toad! Thanks,m8! That will help with experimenting with settings. I haven't tried Kling's settings yet but they certainly strike me as involving a lot of stick travel in certain (most) manoevers. I'm not promoting them in any way, just ran across them and put them out for the m8's to consider and try if they want. They seem to work for him with his technique as described in his post. I would prefer to have one profile for all a/c but can see the logic of different profiles for different types due to design differences in each. Or is this really modelled that much in the game? My present pitch settings are:
  8. ~S~, M8! I got Klingstroem's settings from a post of his but just copied them to Notepad and printed it. Can't find source now. Whole thing is: [rts_ joystick] X=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0 Y=0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 0 Z=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 RZ=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 FF=1 U=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 V=0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 1X=0 0 3 9 16 25 34 46 59 75 100 40 1Y=3 0 1 3 6 12 21 35 51 67 91 60 1RZ=12 0 1 2 3 9 16 28 41 70 100 80 1U=100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 1V=100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 0 Lol---I don't want to configure Controls all over again for a new pilot either---although I hear lots of guys do so for specific aircraft. Guess I'm just a lazy ***puppy! But this seems to be inspiring me to do it. Once or twice, maybe. Let me know what you decide upon, m8, for a compromise setting. Strider
  9. ~S~ Mad T! Glad you are as impressed as I was. NP, m8! Better for the squad all round. I'm wondering if his technique is applicable to any other aircraft in game. I found Mr. Klingstroem's pitch setting:
  10. A fairly long thread with some debate but has good info: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/23110283/m/5641027835/p/1 with tracks and video demonstrations: http://352ndfg.com/smf/index.php?topic=1214.0 Enjoy! ~S~ Strider
  11. Congrats, m8! It is a big deal. Be proud! ~S~
  12. ~S~ NavPlan 1.1 has been uploaded to: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=3188 A printable flight plan generator with heading, distance, waypoint ETA, weather, loadout,
  13. ~S~ Vila! Happy B-Day, m8! Strider
  14. You need channel 496 on Dish Network.
  15. Sign 'em up!
  16. This will get your feet wet about ADF and NDB's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-directional_beacon A most useful navigation tool. Any AM radio station can be used in addition to navigational NDB's. If you know the bearing for your destination from the station and its distance, the station need not be at the destination but you can easily get there with a little mental adding or subtracting numbers. Most used are 180 (you can all do reciprocals in your head, right?), 90 and 45. Intercept the radial from your heading to the station that goes to the destination and, knowing your groundspeed, simply time your flight and you're there! Of course, it's a little easier when no-one's shooting at you! Cheers! Strider
  17. Strider

    Happy BD Crash

    Many happy returns, m8! Love like it's the first time. Party like it's the last time. Dance like nobody's watching! ~S~!!!
  18. Welcome to the Pound, m8! Strider
  19. Hi, Dep! I've been following this thread and noting the great info in it. Thanks for adding more to it! I keep an ongoing wish list of the parts i would get to do a build, hehe. Only dang problem is the recreation budget has been pretty slim cause I have to grease the ground chief so much to scrounge up parts to fix all the crates I bring back full of holes and fried engines (when I actually get back!). Oh, yeah...and my tab at the Downed Pilot Club---gotta talk to Friar about a payment plan. This rig is 3 years old and I'm due for an upgrade---but it's a Dell. It's also an AGP vid slot so it limits how high I can go that way too. I figure saving (who can do that these days?) for a new unit is a better application of funds than getting a max AGP card for this one and then having to get a proper PCI-e card for a new rig. I run XP PRO 32 bit with game settings on perfect, water 2 and forest 2. I've read the Tweak guides for Windoze and the conf.ini., run defrag/anti-vius and malware scans/CCleaner etc. and delete Temp. files/.zip and .rar files/recycle bin regularly. The only time I've been kicked from a server was during the present SEOW. I'll continue to lurk. It's kind of cool to see other people's spec's and all but it's still more the pilot than the machine lol. See you in the skies, m8! Strider
  20. 440.0 for me with stuff shut off on a Dell Workstation with dual Xeon 3.06 ghz cpu, 2 gig Ram, 6800XT vid card with 84.26 drivers (original). I always wonder about "scores" on performance tests and whether there is some industry standard for them or whether benchmarks are peculiar to the publisher. As long as the sim runs with minimal stutters, I'm good to fly! Strider
  21. ~S~ to all the Awardees! For me, Joint-Ops turned IL2 from a sometimes grinding and frustrating effort into a lifelong enjoyment full of the best friends one could ask for. I've already told my kids that I will run away from any nursing home that doesn't have internet and enough power to run the baddest rig in town! I'm not about to give up one of the most important things in life---good people sharing good times. I say the same about K9 and the DDogz.
  22. ~S~ Trout! We've all been there, m8---hehe. First of all, I can't recommend Joint-Ops highly enough. Numerous Dogz and Hell Hounds have benefitted from their courses. Bombing---see here for a suggested key binding for seat jumping and bombing controls: http://www.mission4today.com/index.php?name=Knowledge_Base&op=show&kid=240 Another set of tutorials and video's with necessary utilities for bombing, both manual and auto:
  23. ~S~ Hollywood! Glad to have you here, m8! This is called the Pound not because it has anything to do with dogs---it's because we PEBAR > > > > > > We Pound Everything Beyond All Recognition!
  24. Just a couple of tips. Know your proposed bombing altitude and the cruise speed at 80-85% throttle of the aircraft you're using. Set those up in your bombsight altitude, velocity and view angle contols before take-off so you're not fiddling with them too much when you get to the IP. Minor adjustments will be all that are necessary. Use your bombsight or nose gunner views well ahead of time to help you get lined up before you engage the level stabilizer. Less fiddling with the rudder trim on the bomb run. If your target is not in the bombsight when you hit the level stabilizer, disengage it and turn onto the line---don't try to use rudder trim to get on line as you will require so many clicks that it will be difficult, if not impossible, to get a straight path of travel over the target---you'll be clicking the opposite rudder trim like crazy to get back straight again and most likely will overcorrect due to the lag in trim effectiveness in the sim. More crazy clicking and a missed drop. Above 3000m, engage the auto mechanism at an aim point just slightly ahead of the target---the higher you are, the more lead on the intended aim point. It takes very little at 3500m, more at 5000m+ and so on. Practice will tell you how much lead is necessary at different altitudes. Know which aircraft need combat flaps to maintain altitude even with the level stabilizer engaged (think B-24)---you've got your homework! Also read and re-read the level bombing manuals at M4T and watch the instructional video's on the topic at YouTube. Practice, practice, practice!
  25. I give a big damn and don't think I'm alone. Been following this very creative work for a while and look forward to release when you feel you've got it the way you want it. Thanks for all the effort, M8! Strider
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