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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Many WIP projects are underway: Whirlwind Lysander Do-17 Hornet Bunch of WWI types under project Canvas Knights Spit Mk II & Va Hurri IIa Mustangs F-86 w/ tailhook and tanks etc. See at http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=89
  2. The authors say they specifically designed it to have no FPS hit. Minimal on my rig. Give it a try, some interesting effects. You can always delete it if unsatisfactory.
  3. Awesome complex and design, Sir. I have visions of the banquet in Indiana Jones 2. I'm privileged to see your creativity and time commitment for us all. ~S~
  4. Of course she plays IL-2 Modded, flys with a squad and has one of these at home: That's a legitimate question Tribunus. This was JP's place while there temporarily: God Bless Canada and Canadian girls!
  5. @ Asus No credit to me---I d/l'd those from some site so long ago that I can't remember where. I happened to stumble across them and thought of this thread. Perfect! I'm guessing that someone with a lot more knowledge about the FMB placed the gun object and then the figure object from an AA gun in those positions. He/she then plotted a waypoint for an enemy a/c to come close enough to make the elephant gun fire. I still lol when i look at it! @ Vila NP, m8. No offence should be taken by anyone. This started off as a joke thread that progressed from the original post. You are quite right to raise the sobering facts from that site to remind us that the reality is no joke for any of those m8's or our need to be on guard and expect the worst from such scumbags. Life is better with a balance of high-low, good-bad, serious-humorous. They all have their place. You should see some of the captions I considered for that post but discarded to avoid causing offense myself! Restraint in some endeavours is the ounce of prevention that avoids misunderstandings of intent.
  6. Hi, OT! Did you disable the on-board sound through Control Panel---> Sounds and Audio Devices--->Hardware Tab--->(click on your on-board sound device in the list)--->click on disable? Might make a difference. ~S~, m8!
  7. Terrorist with elephant gun:
  8. http://technet.idnes.cz/nadsenci-si-postavili-letecky-trenazer-v-panelaku-letaji-tam-i-profesionalove-1yg-/tec_technika.asp?c=A090318_174923_tec_technika_vse
  9. ~S~ Sweper. I can't recommend a better training site than Joint-Ops or a better instructor than Painless. Definitely check that out. This thread contains a wealth of information: http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/23110283/m/9121094645
  10. Welcome to the Pound, Sweper. Believe only 1/2 of what you see posted here as rumours, and then double it. That would be about right. Come out flying when you can, m8. We're about to start some training sessions that you may be interested in.
  11. ITV Player works for me. Thanks, Rog!
  12. That gentleman impressed me, and I've played music with sax players from trios to 22 piece swing band. Very sweet tone and great ombredge control. I vote Yes! When is this show on? I know there are few gems among the ore mounds but this is the second outstanding unknown in a week. I'd like to hear him accompany Susan Boyle and take a solo, maybe do some Benny Goodman tunes, too. I too was surprised at his choice of appearance for an opportunity like that. Is he going to dress like that for the Queen?
  13. Double Damn! (tongue in cheek)
  14. I've been on the notify list of your Ubi thread for a long time and look forward to your release. Very creative piece of work, imho. Thanks, m8!
  15. I knew you guys would appreciate the greatness of this. Wanted to share. She brings me to tears, too, just didn't want to say that for fear others wouldn't watch.
  16. It's not very often that a voice gives me a rush and an ear-to-ear grin: Susan Boyle - Singer - Britains Got Talent 2009 (With Lyrics)
  17. He could be the Emergency Procedures Officer as well as the Adjutant for Underwear Laundry.
  18. Looking forward to flying with you, m8!
  19. LOL---Thanks, Brando!!! That's going to go over great in Traffic Court next Tuesday.
  20. Nice pic's, m8! More, please. Women just can't grasp that just because one is on a diet that you can still look at the menu. That's why I'm strictly a buffet guy. All those morsels laid out in a row. Yum!
  21. This is another great resource that gives best climb speed, best corner speed, best sustained turn speed, etc.---you can see the same info in comparing 2 types: http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads&file=details&id=329 Both are included in : http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/23110283/m/9121094645 A literal library about things you never thought of about IL-2. Enjoy!
  22. Problem solved, I think! I found a small external sound card USB that converts onboard sound to 5.1. The headset jacks plug into the unit. TS transmit is a little muddy but no static or squeals as before. Interestingly enough, I was told before I got this card that my transmit wasn't too awful when just on TS but when I got in game, it was %$#@*%&%$#! Thanks everyone for your input and help in this crisis
  23. A big ~S~ to those m8's!!!!
  24. LOL April Fooled me. Good one ! Thanks, Perf. Tried all that, no joy. Same result whether I connect thru the front or rear audio plug-ins. That kinda makes the loose connection theory less likely, no? I have ordered a headset/mic 3.5mm dual jack to USB adaptor, should have it tomorrow. I already have 2 headsets, thought it should suffice. http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3981719&sku=S262-7008 I'll report back when recon is complete.
  25. ~S~ Gec! A recording in sound recorder has the same static (besides my scratchy voice!)---not specific to TS. ~S~ Rog Thanks all for taking the time to help me out!.
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