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Everything posted by Strider

  1. Yea, same with each of two headset/mic's. I can hear my voice enunciating but with the strong static in the TS tester and the Windoz sound check wizard. Piss poor comm's to transmit---can't comm online except thru' chat---unacceptable. Naturally, there's a time frame target to fly the final for AFS2 at Joint-Ops on Saturday, the Ubizoo co-ops and the DD Seow on Sunday. I'll get 'er done with help from guys like you who are great to try to help me out.
  2. Thanks, BG! Did as suggested. No difference tho'.
  3. Welcome Zooly! Great to have you aboard---since you still replied after our darkest sheep...er, secrets were revealed. Well, some of the lighter ones. Perhaps Mrs. Zooly would be more permissive if you try what several of the DD's do---bribery with shopping included! ~S~, Sir, and Cheers! Strider
  4. Found the Corsair: http://mission4today.com/index.php?name=Downloads2&file=search Will check others for sources.
  5. Yes, m8! I've been trying to think of where I got that bomb skin. Maybe AAA or from a d/l'd .ntrk. I'll let you know. It's Sat night!
  6. Oh, TB3's, huh? Before: After: Miscellaneous: Enjoy! Strider
  7. I want to see the charts from IL2 Compare for this! But does it come with .50 cals.? http://technology.sympatico.msn.cbc.ca/News/ContentPosting?newsitemid=flying-car&feedname=CBC-TECH-SCIENCE-V3&show=False&number=0&showbyline=True&subtitle=&detect=&abc=abc&date=True Enjoy, m8's! Strider
  8. I love hot skins.
  9. Hi, OT! I most certainly would be interested. There don't seem to be any AGP cards of that performance available anymore. Please check PM's. Thanks, m8!
  10. Any ideas welcome! XFX 6800XTreme AGP 8X 256MB DDR3 card. Would anyone have an AGP Nvidia card better or equal to an XFX 6800XTreme 8X 256MB DDR3 available for sale? I presently have the above ( but it's recently started heating up to 128C in game. Needless to say, I can't play until that is resolved.
  11. Would anyone have an AGP Nvidia card better or equal to an XFX 6800XTreme 8X 256MB DDR3 available for sale? I presently have the above ( but it's recently started heating up to 128C in game. Needless to say, I can't play until that is resolved.
  12. It's not released yet but should be shortly. Here's the thread to watch: http://allaircraftarcade.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12197&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 Enjoy!
  13. Cool, Bucky! There are several vid's at YouTube of Bruce, including a familiarization in the cockpit of an A320 Airbus. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_type=&search_query=bruce+dickinson+pilot&aq=8s&oq=bruce+dickenson Rock on!!!
  14. Thanks, Pooka! Trying it now---cleaned out a bunch of crap that other utilities missed.
  15. Yes, thanks Brando! Well hosted
  16. I'm interested in this but have to ask---can I create a partition on my HD which is 232 gig capacity with 167 gigs of free space? Haven't explored partitioning before. :newbie:
  17. ~S~ m8's! Can't beat Dart's articles on just about anything IL2 that he addresses, IMHO. See page 2 of this article for a .wmv and a d/l ntrk of scissors: http://www.simhq.com/_air10/air_302a.html See here for Dart's videos on several aspects, both instructional and just to watch (couple of ntrks on scissors about 1/2 way down the page): http://www.darts-page.com/ Check out all the buttons on the left side of the page---some good info and vid's to be found. Hope it helps! Strider
  18. Being the wishful dreamer that I am, and hoping to do a build this year, would you please post the parts that Quazi picked out for you? Hope your build goes smooth. Thanks, m8!
  19. Mucho grande! LOL'd several guffaws. Nice to see the Mossie flight formation scenes. Thanks, m8!
  20. Strider

    Drop Zone

    Listen up, squawbs!!! Think you have good eyes? Think you have good reflexes? Think again, squawb! http://www.rafcareers.com/altitude/games/dz_game/dzgame.cfm Don't be a squawb, be a Danger Dog!!! Enjoy!
  21. Congrats, m8! (cue "Danger Zone" music) Glad to see you hit the Top!
  22. That's what I'm talkin' about!
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