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Everything posted by Strider

  1. After much internal debate, I had decided to get the H1N1 shot once it became generally available. Mostly because I am forced to deal with the public and attend public buildings where everyone should wear plastic gloves before touching any door handle, telephone, light switch, toilet handle, etc. Unfortunately, prior to general availability, I came down with a flu (don't know if it was H1N1) on November 10, a day that will live in infamy in my medical history. I only get 1, maybe 2 colds a year, but this was one sh*t-kickin', nasty experience. 5 days of all-over muscle pain, blinding headache and eye pain, fever and chills, sweating and then shivering uncontrollably, every bodily function routine (sleeping, eating, bowels)
  2. Great pic, Asus! And a Merry Christmas to you and to all Dogz worldwide!!! HO, HO, HO!!! Strider
  3. A careful examination of the scriptures will reveal that BG is destined to never age beyond 36 years---Revelations,etc. All applicances are in working order, per the DRO's. Lucky Helen---Lucky him!
  4. Best wishes to our American brothers and all those world-wide who pigged out on this great reminder of why we should be thankful---if you live where there aren't guys in camo clothes with M-16's outside every bank or resort, thanks is due. Strider
  5. The Fusion Pack by neuro is to be released soon after the UP 1.8 patch comes out. Said to include what neuro thinks are the best effects, sounds, planes, maps, etc., including Freddy's Pack Corea mod, all debugged, that 1.8 left out. It's 1.8 Plus with SFS structure maintained for quick loading. http://fusionpack.net/forums/index.php I've added stuff that I consider enhancements/can't-live-without
  6. Thanks, Gec! Very cool, m8, and way beyond what I expected. JP--->
  7. That's why Hades has delayed ultrapack 1.8. Monguse wants to get UI 1.2 out now that it's finished and working and address 4.09m properly in good time. Just a difference in philosophy, I think and equally valid. +1 It's not as if these people were being paid by the hour to give the community this stuff for free. I'd rather have a bug-free install and a bug-free game of any version than look at one more 60% or 70% or 95% crash or not have those damn Russian paratroopers that I can't find anywhere. The more practice they get at making installers or the installing process easy for us, the less frustration for all. Not to mention that the official 4.09m patch by Team Daidalos is to follow 4.09m about 30 days after the 4.09m release. Mod compatibility may be a question there, too. There be excitin' times here! ~S~ Strider
  8. +1 One 4.09m vanilla and one 4.09 modded from fresh install (starting over for housecleaning purposes). I just haven't had time to add it to a previously modded game. Looking forward to new releases from AAA UI 1.2, Ultrapack 1.8, Check6 and Fusion Pack which will all be 4.09 friendly to compare contents and bugginess, etc.
  9. ~S~ and thanks, BG and JP! Great pics and info. Brought back lots of memories of being at CFB Trenton in the late '60's for Air Cadet summer camp---strange that we weren't shown those displays and a shame that they aren't stored inside. Also re the Lanc---when I took my Commercial Pilot course at Hamilton airport (still on Unicom, no tower then!) and worked for the flying school, it was just a bunch of unrelated pieces on the hangar floor, you couldn't tell what it was. I remember thinking to myself at the time, "That's going to take a while." Great to see it flying both last summer and this past at "Friendly Foes over Niagara", Russell Aviation's yearly airshow near Ft. Erie. Looks like Halifax NA 337 has come a long way since your visit: http://airforcemuseum.ca/aircraft/halifax-handley-page-mark-vii.html Cheers, m8's! Strider
  10. They're really trying to sell it to a market "target"--- bit*hy wives---they're the ones who need it!
  11. Thanks, TOAD and ~S~, m8! That's 50 minutes of my life I don't want back. Nice progression from the static displays with the good music faded out just as the sound of the flypast should hit you. Pro production---even caught the 109's whine above the engine sound. Airshow or get laid? "Sit tight, baby, I'll be back." Cheers!
  12. There's a wealth of info and demystifying about the 60% crash here: http://specialaircraftservice.com/sas/index.php/topic,22.0.html Check out the other troubleshooting guides and you'll rarely have problems with mods that you can't solve, beta's excepted. I usually follow a thread about a beta I am considering for a couple of days before d/l to see what bugs/fixes come up. I also keep a written list (PIA) for each install (AAA, Ultrapack, etc.) with the mod name, version and date d/l'd so I don't have to wonder if I have a certain update or patch for something. I have been using only the SAS buttons file (which is updated regularly) for a few weeks without problem. In AAA, it's called the AC Installer but it is only a buttons file for AAA stuff (CRT=2 compliant, as is their policy) according to which AAA mod activator you use. The SAS file tries to have the FMD and EMD files from all available mod sources (AAA, Ultrapack, Check-6, Aviaskins, Italian group, etc.) in their buttons file so you can d/l from other sites and avoid the 60% crash arising from that angle. SAS clearly advises that it is a site for offliners and usually points out if something is not CRT=2 compliant.
  13. Now that's my idea of a mental health spa!
  14. Sincere condolences to you and your family, C_G. Now's the time to help each other recover and emerge stronger and closer than ever before ~S~
  15. WB, JP! Glad to see you've got your priorities straight---scotch + gaming comp=life!
  16. Strider

    It's 1945...

    My understanding is that the SAS buttons changes no FM's of stock game aircraft.
  17. Strider

    It's 1945...

    The buttons file from specialaircraftservice.com contains everything from AAA and a few other sites (Ultrapack, Check-6, HSFX, etc.). I have used it for a few weeks with no problems and some mods not available on AAA. http://specialaircraftservice.com/sas/index.php/topic,188.0.html You will probably also need the Soundpatch from there until the universal sound mod becomes available in the next couple of weeks from AAA. No big deal there. SeaFury FTW!
  18. Bump from August 11: ~S~ All! Monday, August 24/09---8:00 P.M. EDT---two weeks, be sure! Topic:
  19. Happy B' Day! As John Glenn said, there is no cure for the common birthday---might as well enjoy it!
  20. ~S~ All Some great info above. The K-9 Vault is rich and about to get richer from .ntrks and recordings from Boomer's training sessions that have been happening on a few Mondays. Next is the final Wingman session this Monday, August 24 at 8:00 EDT. See: http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/index.php/topic,7882.new.html#new May I make a couple of suggestions not covered above: 1) Know the corner speed for your ride---IL-2 Compare is a fountain of info on your crate and how to get the best performance in climb speed, turn rate, stall speeds, etc. Put your ride up against a few of the enemy craft you're most likely to run into. You don't have much time flying co-ops to consult it but learning the data for a few of the more popularly flown birds (especially your favorites) when offline is an advantage in making those split-second decisions in a dogfight. A corollary to "Know thine enemy as well as thyself." Know his numbers, too and you won't try turning with a Zero in a TB3---lol. 2) Get used to doing manoevers at the edge of stall, remembering you can induce a stall at any speed. Know the feel of your crate when approaching a stall and let off a bit just short of it, continuing your desired manoever if it's still a good idea.If not, do something else. You gotta get your plane around quicker than the other guy or he's going to kill you! 3) Read all you can, watch all the tracks, practice on the AI, but there is no substitute for getting out there and doing it with someone who can point out mistakes in strategy or demonstrate manoevers for you to practice, practice, practice. Did I say practice? Then do it online with another kind soul who will tell you things you've not heard before about the same strategies and manoevers---everyone has info that doesn't get discussed very often but if you keep your ears open, you'll learn a lot at co-ops. 4) Fly smart. Don't go 1 v 4 unless you have a decidedly superior ride and know how to use it. Even then it's not so smart. Know when to bug out! You can always come back to exact your revenge after you have got enough E to have the advantage 5) If you can, take the courses at Joint Ops Virtual Flight School---the Advanced Fighter series is challenging and just plain fun (pun intended). Hope that helps a bit, m8! ~S~ Strider
  21. http://streams.discoveryworld.org/EAABlueDot
  22. Strider


    ~S~ and Thanks! Strider
  23. Strider


    ~S~ and Thanks! Strider
  24. Strider

    Welcome Ghost

    ~S~ Ghost! Welcome, m8! Just keep a bucket of prop wash ( or suitable substitute, @ 40 proof) and a left-handed monkey wrench near you and you'll get along fine with this lot. Looking forward to some of your reminiscences.
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