I have created a Tutorial for this:
Awards System Tutorial
Should it be required permission can be granted to an awards manager/committee to create/grant awards.
Naturally awards need not be limited to just campaign stuff, we could have Top Gun medals, best host awards etc. etc..
I think that awards should be well managed. Therefore, as an example, flight leaders should send a request to an award comity for someone to receive an award for courage or actions that he took during the fight (s) while in battle with the enemy during a mission or campaign.The categories and all the awards (all medals, pins or citations) should be announced and displayed on the forum somewhere for everyone to look at. Also, there should be a list of all the members that are awarded medals and the comity representative that is in charge of issuing the medal or award should himself this medal under the members signature. When someone receive an award, it should be annouced as well on the forum.