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Everything posted by MadTrooper

  1. HI Guys, Looks like the game will be comming out next week in North America (26 April 11). Since I'm waiting for its release, I would like to have a list of all the controls that you can bind to keys. I'm looking at getting more buttons available for the sims so if its possible and not too much trouble, would there be a list of controls, like the one in IL2 but for COD that someone could send me please. It would be much appreciated. I have read the COD readme file but I'm not sure that all the controls are in there. Thanks again. MT
  2. Welcome abord Beta !
  3. That is what he needed MT
  4. Welcome to the pound Bongo.
  5. I have visited the Bagram Airfield a couple of years ago and I wish she would have been there then
  6. It looks like there is a light green / yellowish filter when you look at the ground. Is it always that way ?
  7. WOW, nice setup there David Way to go!
  8. Luthier's post Yesterday: Hi everyone. I�m very sorry to see that some of you are having technical difficulties with the game. It pains me personally to see that these problems are preventing you from enjoying everything the game has to offer. The team has been working at a frantic pace since mid-summer. I personally have been working 12+ hour days 7 days a week pretty much non-stop, with only a short breather around Christmas. Optimization has always been our top priority; for example, the game you are playing now is roughly twice as fast as the version shown at Igromir. We are continuing to work at the same pace now, after the release � no weekends in sight. We are working very hard to make the game better, and we hope that even those of you who are unhappy with the state of the game are still able to see that it is worth the wait, and that you have faith in our ability to improve on your experience. Here�s what we are working on at the moment: 1. Performance increase. Over terrain, the two things that slow things down the most are trees and buildings. We are currently in final stages of testing optimized buildings that almost double the FPS over London on a test machine. Tree optimization is a little farther away. You will probably see changes in how trees are rendered, they�ll take longer to appear over terrain, but once again, performance increase should be significant. If everything tests correctly over the weekend, both of these should be released by early to mid next week. 2. Enhanced multicore support. The mode that we unfortunately were not able to finish in time is sending all render to a dedicated CPU core. The mode is working but somewhat buggy. It easily doubles the FPS, and the performance boost is especially noticeable in larger missions with lots of stuff going on. This is probably at least two to three weeks away, and we will probably do a short public beta of this major change before it�s made live to everyone. 3. Multiplayer. There is something in steam filters that prevents game servers from being found. This is only happening with live retail versions of the game. This apparently isn�t caused by us � hopefully it�s just a simple oversight somewhere and the fix will be a simple flick of a switch. 4. FM and ballistics. We have already addressed the issue where rounds appeared to leave aircraft sideways. This was caused by the difference between physical and rendered position of the aircraft, i.e. the rendered position lagged behind the actual aircraft position. Our aircraft programmer has a huge bucket list of things to check, which he�s going over at a rather brisk pace. 5. Resurrecting SLI support. This is our next biggest priority; it�s done by the same programmer now in final stages of optimizing buildings. We are really hoping this will be a quick task, but I don�t have an ETA at this point. It�ll either be a couple of days, or a much longer undetermined amount of time if we have to submit versions to card manufacturers and ask for their input. 6. Bug fixes and support. We are reading this forum a lot and some Russian-language forums, and working very hard to address all issues as they are being reported. 7. New stuff � larger online maps, some new aircraft such as the 109E1 and E4 etc � are all in the pipeline too, but obviously we need to solve the bigger issues first and then deal with the freebies. Thank you all for your continuing support! Just FYI, I�m constantly doing 20 things at once, so if I don�t respond to your question it doesn�t mean I didn�t read it! I�d love to spend more time on the forums talking to the community and answering questions, but unfortunately I just cannot do it as much as I should at the moment. Please bear with us, we do really want to make all of you very happy!
  9. When you install the game it will take you to steam to create your account or use yours if you have one already. Then it will download and install the latest version of the game so you up and ready for multiplayer
  10. Thanks Mayhem!!
  11. Thanks GothKrieger, I Love this band. I did'nt know them. :headbang:
  12. Not sure Athur. I'm sure that with time they are going to fix bugs and make this sim the best ww2 simm ever created
  13. Too bad about the music. Its hard to understand what he sais but it gets better when he flys the airplanes. I'm pretty impressed and I did'nt cancell my preorder http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mG2o16LDtBI&feature=player_embedded#at=562
  14. :headbang: :headbang:
  15. Guys if you want a good laugh watch this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_BLggf-mqs MT
  16. Your lucky Friar, I've been trying to cancell my order all afternoon and I keep getting a server error message when I click on cancell order
  17. Guys, If this is true, what a downer I'm trying to cancell my order from Ubisoft right now. http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/8071032709/m/7681061719
  18. Good one BA If I bring my gun will you let me fire a few rounds ?
  19. I have used Steam when I was playing Red Orchestra, Counter Strike and Day of Defeat Souce. I have never had a problem and my account is still valid. We wont need to worry about updating. The game will get updated as soon as you connect to Steam. MT
  20. HI Guys! 2 small video that are really good and some wallpapers directly from Oleg http://forum.1cpublishing.eu/showthread.php?t=19025 MT
  21. Happy belated Birth Day Smash !! MT
  22. HI Streak, For me I would'nt run my games from an external hard drive. I'dd rather run them from my C:\ drive or d:\ drive if you have made a partition. Are you running on 64 bit ? because if you do you'll have to copy your games from your external hard drives and install them under c:\Program Files (x86) folder because IL2 is not a 64 bit software. So, all you need to do is copy your games from your external HD and paste them into your C:\ drive and make your new short cuts on your desk top and thats it Hope this helps. MT
  23. Welcome to the pound GothKriger !!
  24. Thanks for sharing Arthur. Nice pics in deed. That Video Options interface reminds me a bit of the ROF options ! MT
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