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Everything posted by MadTrooper

  1. HI Guys, I just tought it would be cool to have a pink skin for the ladies that play IL2. I know there are a few.
  2. Thanks Perf, I'll keep you posted.
  3. Got my shot back in november. For me it was the right thing to do. I got sick for a couple of days and I went back to normal. Describe normal:
  4. HI SkyPup, Thanks for sharing that story. Its a great one
  5. HI Guys, I have made a skin pack of 4 P-51D with a theme to show support to our troops that are serving at harms way. There are maple leafs on them but anyone can use them and have fun with them. Here is the download link: http://www.sendspace.com/file/m2d30h Here is a pic of what they look like: MadTrooper
  6. Congrats BA!! Wel done M8.
  7. Welcome to the pound BSword.
  8. HI Guys, thanks for the nice comments. It is appreciated.
  9. Thanks JP. I'm glad you like it.
  10. HI Guys, This is my first IL2 Skin
  11. Welcome to the Canadian Navy's Centennial Year! Check the link of ''The Vintage Wings of Canada'' below: http://www.vintagewings.ca/page?a=1272&lang=en-CA
  12. Nice Thunderbolt Rattler !!
  13. Welcome to the pound Erwatson
  14. hum.. did not know you could assign a core to run IL2 specifically. I have an Intel® Core™ i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67 Ghz. I'll monitor this post to see if someone could tell me how to do this. Thanks.
  15. I started using XFIRE a cuople of days ago. Evrything is a lot easyer and you get to see alot more info on servers. You should try this baby out. I will not go back to HL.
  16. Hahahahaha.... That's good
  17. Delta7, Thanks for explaining what CRT=2 does. I didn't know and it makes sence really. Thanks. MT
  18. I'm really glad to see that they are going to do so. Still too many servers are still using 4.08 and 4.09beta. Would it be nice if we could join any of the IL2 servers with one install . We could just load what is needed every time you join one.
  19. Gec, I jsut saw your post. Dang, I'm too late. I had to shovel sh.. aaa snow and winterized my motorcycle, and stuff that was long overdue. Next time ! MT
  20. Sorry, I couldn't make it today, I had to get rid of a computer virus, then had to scan the entire puter and did a defrag. Next time guys. MT
  21. HI Gec, It would be fun !
  22. HI Beebop! I'm glad to see that you now have time to host again. I'll be there on time for your excellent coops missions! See you soon! MT
  23. WOW this is really something. This thing is going to really change the way we interact with the virtual world. Its going to tke off like a wild fire
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