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Everything posted by MadTrooper

  1. Well done Bojan !!
  2. It sure looks awsome guys! Thanks for posting.
  3. Thanks Snacko, well its free iguess On a positive note it will give me the opportunity to see if i like sub sim.
  4. I have preordered Cliffs of Dover today at Ubisoft. They gave me Silent Hunter III for free! Is that any good ? I've never tried it yet.
  5. Excellent Jack. I<ll do the same. Thanks.
  6. Looks like I'm ready for this
  7. HI Capt Jack, See the info link below: http://forum.ecoustics.com/bbs/messages/34579/122868.html Hope it helps ! MT
  8. Happy birthday Crash !
  9. Hey JP, I hate winter
  10. Hey Snacko, did you ever play Wolfenstein ? you know that first person shooter that came out many years ago. I think that one of the German character had a helmet like this one
  11. Very nice helmet Snacko. You should also ware it when you fly some Albatros or DVII.
  12. Your right, I must have been too tired.. I thought that at least Oleg's name was there. Thanks.
  13. Participants Participants in the roundtable are well known individuals in consumer simulations: Babak Nobary - XSI Dante De Patta - Thunder Works Jason Williams - 777 Studios Julian "Buckshot" Leonard - XSI Mark "Polovski" Rogers - OBD Software http://www.simhq.com/_commentary/all_106a.html
  14. Those pictures are awsome. Great link and Thanks for sharing Jack! MT
  15. Happy New Year Guys !
  16. MadTrooper


    Hey Goose, nice pics is it you wearing the white helmet ? Must have been some good times I'm sure. Thanks for sharing ! MT
  17. WOW, this is something really special (if its not a computer glitch). Happy Birthday to the 90 x DDs that are shown at the bottom of the site's main page. :wav2:
  18. He looks to me like a Ron (Ronald Reagan)
  19. Thanks TOAD. Nice. MT
  20. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL ! I want to take this opportunity to wish you all Good health and Happiness with your family / loved ones and friends throughout this Holiday season and for 2011. MT :fireworks:
  21. Hey Skypup, looks like you have a great time. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Take care and watch out not to step in dog poo MT
  22. I use to be agreat fan of Red Orchestra. Now they are comming out with a new title that will be comming out in 2011, Heroes of Stalingrad. this will be awsome. You will also be able to be a gunner, a driver or a crew commander in one of many types of russian and german tanks. I'm looking forward to this game.
  23. MadTrooper

    ROF Screenshots

    Some pics using my 3 x 22'' monitors in eyefinity mode
  24. MadTrooper


    From the album: ROF Screenshots

    View from the front gunner / bombadier position!

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