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Everything posted by MadTrooper

  1. HI, again just found this link on the RoF forum. This is an excellent site for info regarding ww1 and ww2 german AC. http://www.thomasgenth.de/index.html MT
  2. I'm really glad for you JP. It must have been an unforgettable experience.
  3. Happy 4th of July to all the american DDz
  4. Nice pictures, it must have been a lot of fun ! Thanks for sharing JP !
  5. Happy Canada Day Guys !!!
  6. Dang I can't see it. The serveice is not available in my region.
  7. It must have been a rough 44 years Jack, lol this is good !! MT
  8. Done and hoping they win! MT
  9. Good one Mayhem, lol this would be my dream come through
  10. Good advise David. I'll do that. Thanks. MT
  11. on the first install it looks at all of the supported game that you have on your computer and prepares to give you mulitplayers information on all of them. If you dont want to take the chance, by all means dont install it. I would'nt want to be the one that gave you problems. You should go on their website and read about it to find out if it will give your system some problems according to your specs. MT
  12. HI, I just wanted to let everybody know what is teh Ubisoft No refund Policy in regards to CLOD ! I have made a preorder cancellation request yesterday and they said that there were not able to refund my $. they sent me back to read their refund policy: http://gc.digitalriver.com/store/ubina/ContentTheme/pbPage.en_CA-ReturnsAndCancellations If you buy from them, be advised. MT
  13. HI GothKrieger, It provides you with il2 servers info, settings, list of players names, your ping on all the servers, a way to setup your il2 favorite servers, servers settings like cockpit always on or off, so it provides good info for the player and also it will scan your computer and see what other games it can give you multiplayer support with. Try it, you'll like it.
  14. HI Campi, you can also use XFIRE. Its free and it works great. This is what I use. http://www.xfire.com/
  15. Sorry to hear this Ovy. Our prayers will be with you and your family.
  16. I'm glad you got the smoke mods working ASAS
  17. HI, as far as I'm concern, you did the right thing. Win7 64 bits as a bit of issues but will definately the OS you need to make full use of your hardware. It is a lot faster too Hey you will be ablt to use the Eyefinity mode for multiple monitor setup. I have the 6870 and run IL2 and Rise of Flight on a 5040 x 1050 resolution and it works great. I still have problems with San's FOV changer but I don't go insane about it. When it works, wow its amazing. You dont need it for RoF. MT
  18. Hey Asas, all I needed to do was to create a folder called #UP# in my UP3.0 game folder then copy the Smoke aircraft crashed and the Fire smoke effect folders and paste them into the #UP# folder and they both work when you play the game. It worked for me.
  19. Looks like your trying to connect to a UP 1.2 server. Now that you are patched, you need to connect only on UP3.0 RC2 servers.
  20. Happy Birthday !
  21. Hey Brando, good luck finding elves I sure would like to find a few of them myself. I guess patience is the key here. Building a pit or a panel definately takes some time. I have constructed my own swith panel using a Leo Bodnar's Universal Joystick Controller BU0836X board. Using the •8-direction POV hat switch as 8 x buttons I have a total of 40 programmable switches / buttons. Its a WIP, I still need to buld my Trim Wheels box, and more stuff. Soon my plan is to get rid of that left side panel and build a dash board with switches and instruments. We'll see how that goes. All of my buttons and switches are in working condition Thanks for the help of Propnut (Davis) that really helped me out building this because I'm not electronically oriented but I'm learning. Here is the link for the Leo Bodnar board if your interested: http://www.leobodnar.com/products/BU0836X/ Here are a few pictures of my panel. I'm sorry about the picture quality. MT
  22. Can't live without it. I've been doing quite a bit of modding to my UP 3.0 already and after making a tiny change to my FOV changer it started working again so I don't know exactly what fixed it. I'll tell you this though, many of the mods were as simple as copying them from the old MODS folder to the new #UP# folder though some do require a little more work. I've gotten about a dozen mods installed right now as well as several cockpit and map repaints. Its looking good now and I am a happy camper. Well just for the record the issue with the FOV changer seems to be hit or miss. If I start the game and it is working it works fine as long as I don't exit the game. If I start the game and it's not working I have to relaunch the game and then if it works I think it stays working but never had this issue in 4.101 so something is definitively effecting it in UP 3.0. Could be the new executable. I would like feedback from other San's FOV changer users. Have you experienced any issues since the changeover? Also can someone please confirm if the FOV changer is necessary anymore or is UP 3.0 capable of rendering the 3d in true 16:10 now? Hey Mayhem, I don't know but I would love not having to use San's FOV changer (is UP 3.0 capable of rendering the 3d in true 16:10 now?). On my system, both on single player and Multiplayer mode, sometimes I get it to work great and sometimes it doesn't. I have to end the game and restart it a couple of times (not always) to get it to work . It didn't work for me with the U_platinum Universal mod on. MT Ah, well at least I don't seem to be the only one. Completely restarting the game usually fixes it for me and then the problem doesn't come back. Still, it's pretty annoying as you don't know till the coop starts whether its ok or not. If I remember correctly running regular 4.101 it still works just fine all the time so it's just with UP 3.0 that the issue pops up. Still haven't gotten an answer as to if UP 3.0 renders anything other then 4:3 which surprises me with all the heads around here. I looked in the release note but didn't see anything about it so I am assuming it won't with the widescreen mod which is probably only for the menus. I can't tell by just looking at the game. Oh and by the way, whoo hoo on the campaign mode for ROF. It's really awesome. RoF is getting pretty nice I might add Its a really good sim for the WW1 kyte flying lovers!
  23. I feel the same way about this sim and Jason's hard working team !! I was amazed when I flew online yesterday looking at the improved distance view of the ground while flying high! WOW, what a sim. For the DDz that are going to try this sim, please don't get discouraged if you have some problems setting it up the way you like. There are a lot of us (RoF'ers) that will always be glad to help you out !
  24. Welcome aboard Coco. See you in the friendly and the not so friendly skies MT
  25. Thanks Goth, I say Hello to him as well. He's an excellent guy!
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