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Everything posted by MadTrooper

  1. Can't live without it. I've been doing quite a bit of modding to my UP 3.0 already and after making a tiny change to my FOV changer it started working again so I don't know exactly what fixed it. I'll tell you this though, many of the mods were as simple as copying them from the old MODS folder to the new #UP# folder though some do require a little more work. I've gotten about a dozen mods installed right now as well as several cockpit and map repaints. Its looking good now and I am a happy camper. Well just for the record the issue with the FOV changer seems to be hit or miss. If I start the game and it is working it works fine as long as I don't exit the game. If I start the game and it's not working I have to relaunch the game and then if it works I think it stays working but never had this issue in 4.101 so something is definitively effecting it in UP 3.0. Could be the new executable. I would like feedback from other San's FOV changer users. Have you experienced any issues since the changeover? Also can someone please confirm if the FOV changer is necessary anymore or is UP 3.0 capable of rendering the 3d in true 16:10 now? Hey Mayhem, I don't know but I would love not having to use San's FOV changer (is UP 3.0 capable of rendering the 3d in true 16:10 now?). On my system, both on single player and Multiplayer mode, sometimes I get it to work great and sometimes it doesn't. I have to end the game and restart it a couple of times (not always) to get it to work . It didn't work for me with the U_platinum Universal mod on. MT
  2. Very nice Blubear!! Thanks.
  3. MadTrooper


    HI wolfP, I have just been busy but I'll be back flying in no time. Everything is good and thanks for asking. MT
  4. MadTrooper


    Hey WolfP, WOW...Welcome to the pound my friend. It will be fun flying with you again. See you in the skies! MT
  5. Its funny, I remember those exact words when we thought that COD would be here soon and they kept pushing the release date. They are still pushing it farter and farter every day. Ho well....... What is new!
  6. I can't wait, it will be a good substitute for COD for me Thanks for the heads up Jedi! MT
  7. Dang ! I'm really tempted to cancell my preorder. I have preordered it on 2 Feb 11 and they are still pushing the release date back. I'm getting fed up. Anyways I'll wait. There is always RoF, FSX and riding the motorcycle. I will not preorder another sim ever. MT Trooper; If you really want it now I believe you can obtain a legit, English language version now by doing this. Get yourself a Steam account then go to this site; JustFlight When you try to purchase you will get a message telling you to basically bugger off 'cause your in North America. Ignore it. Get the download code they give you and enter it via your Steam account and you'll be able to download from Steam. Thank You Arthur, I'll think about it.... from what I have heard so far, I think it is better for me to wait until it comes out with most of the bugs fixed. I think that's what I'll do. MT
  8. Dang ! I'm really tempted to cancell my preorder. I have preordered it on 2 Feb 11 and they are still pushing the release date back. I'm getting fed up. Anyways I'll wait. There is always RoF, FSX and riding the motorcycle. I will not preorder another sim ever. MT
  9. Rise of Flight - We are flying every Monday and Friday night at 9 PM E - See you there :)

  10. Hey Goth, for me I have been pressing keys to trim but I'm in the process of buiding trim wheels. It will be more then welcome MT
  11. Nice bike Rattler. I agree with Delta7. Please be very careful on the roads this time of the year. The cagers are not used to see motorcycles on the roads so look out !! I hope that you have a great biking season my friend MT
  12. I would be too Jedi but I got to wait until its out in NA End of this month I hope. Thanks.
  13. Happy Birthday :
  14. Happy Easter to you BG and all Dogz
  15. Thanks Jedi, we'll have to wait until the sim comes out in NA. I beleive it got push back to May 26 now? something like that. MT
  16. Thanks Sid, I watched the JU88, the G50 and the Stuka take off procedure that this guy (can't remember his name) made. It seems to be his own startup procedures. I guess they are non existant. From what I can gather, I will need to make my own Startup and shotting down check lists. There are just too many things to do and you don't want to have missed something The times where you just step in the cockpit and take off full throttle right away to do a mission are over . I will be loving to fly full switch on this sim. The cockpits looked awsome. Tell me, is it possible to use your mouse to toggle switches and also use some binded keyboard keys to do the same ? or when you use the mouse, you can only use the mouse? I find that inflight using the mouse will just be very distracting. Thanks. MT
  17. HI Jedi, please don't write it up. By looking at those videos, I got a pretty good idea of what was needed. I will surely talk to you about it on TS. Thanks.
  18. HI Guys! I would like to know what steps are needed (in a full switch mode starting sitting in your cockpit) to start / turn off an engine or multiple engines in CLOD. This has to do with how I'm gone layout my home build switchboard. So please if you have the time to right it down for me or if you got a link that explains it that would be great. I was going to wait until the sim would come out and figure it out myself but it seems that it will not be release for a while. Thank you! MT
  19. Thanks Snacko, Propnut and Delta7 lists are more complete. This guy doen't seem to have any of the Magnetos commands and is lacking other commands as well. MT
  20. Ouch! You are right.. to a degree. I will setup an FTP account that can be used for large files like this, and enable import for the Dogz. This way you can ftp files to server, go into the downloads and click on import and hey presto! it appears in the vault. Advantage, aside from size, is that ftp can resume should connection break Hey that is great. Thanks roger!
  21. Why?! Our Download manager was made for just this! You can also, if you so wish, use IrfanView (free) to batch process a directory(folder) of images to resize/format convert. If you want, upload the zip file to our server and PM/Post and I can then import the contents for you. It may be useful for others and could form the basis of a tutorial even! Thanks Roger, I thought that the file would have been too large for the vault (250mb).
  22. Hey David, I'll print them out it will be easyer for me to work with it. Great stuff. Thanks again. MT
  23. HI Propnut and Delta7, Guys, that is exactly what I was looking for. It will help me planning what buttons I will assign to the commands I want with the number of keys and buttons I got. Thanks again Guys, Great job.!! MT
  24. HI David, WOW, 37 screenshots ? I wasn't expecting that many Thats a lot of MB (around 250). I don't know where you can send them so I can download them. I'm going to look for a free host. I'll get back to you. Thank you again for doing this for me. MT David, you can zip the files into one file and upload it here: http://www.sendspace.com/mysendspace/myindex.html It is free to register and you can upload up to 300MB without having to upgrade your account. Then you can give me the link to download it. Thank again.
  25. HI David, WOW, 37 screenshots ? I wasn't expecting that many Thats a lot of MB (around 250). I don't know where you can send them so I can download them. I'm going to look for a free host. I'll get back to you. Thank you again for doing this for me. MT
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