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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_asas

  1. thx, andy I've check it allready. i got pay for same banner maker software, but ohter than that it's cool. Do u know Java/html ? I ask, cause maybe i can solve the prob by insert a tag(?) into the HTML of the blogger template. I do know html and javascript, but it's been a while since I've done much. But you should be able to just put that <embed> tag code like in that link. Somehow put it into blogger, or into the html template like you say. I also know Flash a little but. I have a tool called Swish to make flash, so if you want something simple maybe I can try? that would b GREAT..... i don't know if there's a prob with the swf file that i made, u can check here http://oeirascomhistoria.blogspot.com/ . The thing is that the animation just don't load into the blog, even after i host the swf into a web site and get the url and follow the tips of several online sites. As far as the project, it's not complicated, maybe we can join in TS and u see fro "showmypc" the swf that i already made and see for yourself the find of stuff. I can't today, but if u r available tomorrow u just say the time and we meet in TS. once again THX, m8 ac
  2. thx, andy I've check it allready. i got pay for same banner maker software, but ohter than that it's cool. Do u know Java/html ? I ask, cause maybe i can solve the prob by insert a tag(?) into the HTML of the blogger template.
  3. ~S~ gents, My question/request it's rather off Forum, but i'm a bit desperate here, and probably same of u can help (and i can return again, more often, to your company, cause in this paste few months i'm been working in this crap...) well, does anyone knows how to embed a Flash Swf file into Blogger? I've hosted the animation into a web site and them grab the URL, and work with the HTML of the blog or add a widget/HTML-javasctrpt and put on the template a code.... but still the animation don't run. Any ideas? any help is welcome. i'll b available in TS if necessary . thx and DD's CEO's , i'm sorry for using the forum, but i really need help. cheers asas
  4. ~S~ gents in my opinion, the most salutary thing that a people can have is to have the ability to laugh at himself. therefore, take a pic at this link (I do not know if it is to cry or to laugh) but it's really fun. is an annual tradition that occurs in the ILHA TERCEIRA, Azores, it's a " bullfight by the rope", where the bull is stuck on the end of a rope and walk the streets more or less freely. http://www.malhanga.com/_videos/marradas.2008/ Cheers Asas
  5. no, rog. i just thought it was there, m8.... you've done ab excellent job already.
  6. crap... this start's well. where is the "JSGME folder" in the game folder? can u gents provide the path? i'm sorry to be so ignorant and anoint in this matters ..... cheers edit: ok, apparently i made it. did not test it yet, but i wil now. so i'll report here after. thx again 2º edit: BTW fruitbat, what kind of machine r u running, man, i feel humiliated just by lookind now to mine...
  7. Try HERE. If your computer blows up, Fruitbat is responsible. *EDIT* THX u all, gents. now i'll try not to screw things up with the install... cheers ~S~
  8. Can someone tell me where do i get this mod? i tried the Vault but i guess it isn't there cheers
  9. first, the song is really funny and stays in your ear(?). the guy most a been freaking pissed to do this. i would too, an airline company smash my guitar the Hitler video, i already new,but with another theme (i have have that movie, like a lot), but the sub titles r very funny.....
  10. check this out...
  11. Ok. I've altered some stuff in the blog, based in the intel that you gents gave me, THX BTW. i'm now updated to a three colunn rounders 2 blog, the Pages is finaly working, the posts title too... you can take a pic here: http://oeirascomhistoria.blogspot.com/ BUT, since i'm not a JAVa or CSS wizz, i don'y know how to change the color of the link
  12. here's the link. http://oeirascomhistoria.blogspot.com/p ... _8499.html it say's "creditos", but it is Termos e Condi
  13. Thx a lot, Rog this is most helpful. as far as my company concerns, it's a no go, cause it's governament, i work at the City Hall .... , and they don't wont to spend money on blogs that promote heritage and culture... so i'll stick to blogger. but, i'm going to try same inovations like u propose, and try to get that books. . hey, just one more: how do i expand ordo to put a big text in Blogger Pages? For exemple, i have "terms and conditions", but my tex doesn
  14. Thx both. But what about a animated top bar like in our Forum? can this be done ? if so where? in what section? one more thing...do u gents know any noobs site for learning basics CSS or Java ? cheers
  15. Hi gents, Short story: at my work i'm responsabe by developing and administrating(?) the blog 's Division, but i don't have the technical skills, to do it, (java , CSS ), alghouth i enjoy play with this stuff, and allready made something. So, really need help in same sections, like the one attach and post here. the Blog is blogspot, template rounders 2 1.0 2004 How do i insert or add a icon in blogspot Pages ? and where in HTML do i insert a "tell others" bar code with dig, delicours Yahoo, etc... I don't know if this is rather confuse but, i know andy and rog and maybe other are developers, so maybe thay understand this crazy talk of mine cheers AC
  16. just too good......it's hard to pick, but i think i'll choose : INEVITABILITY..... (although true love is hard not to pick. ).
  17. DD_asas

    Road Trip

    great pics and trip.
  18. u'r welcome MT
  19. thx, andy
  20. Hi DD's i believe u gents appreciate fine art as the next guy, so take ( if wonto) this virtual tour in one of the most outstanding monuments of Portugal, the Monastery of Jer
  21. Indeed? i wonder who build it? hummm.... can't recall the name.... thx andy and rog
  22. ok, Rog, here's the sig. thx. A
  23. ~S~ gents, Can anyone help me on how to put my image into my sig again, cause i seem to b unable to do it? I try img and img with the url in the middle, but the nothing happen. Thx A
  24. Hi guys, check this pics of the participation of Portugal in the WWI. It's an exibition of the Portuguese Presidency Musuem (the english link is not runing) http://www.museu.presidencia.pt/expo_te ... hp?ID=1964 cheers asas
  25. .. yes. it
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