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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DD_asas

  1. ~S~ Eddy

    where u from?»



  2. Very helpful Andy, thanx. I'll try to run the backup first and see how it goes, and then i'll see.... cheers A
  3. Zooly, I'm Updating my desktop so i think u can find them in both lap and desk top's...
  4. Hi all, Next monday i'm going to Upgrade my machine (already have the specs): OPERATING SYSTEM: Windows® 7 PROCESSOR: Pentium® Intel Core i3 2.66GHz RAM: 4GB ATI 5770 HARD DISK: 500GB and so on... my question is: I already have a BACKUP of the game. should i make a recent one? and after the installation, since , my system is XP and i'm upgrading to 7, do i have to reisntall the game, patches, mods, all over again, or the EXE file in the backup do the work?? Thanks in advance, M8's Cheers A
  5. MERRY XMAS TO ALL THE DD'S AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR........ PS- Does this ring a bell, Andy ? cheers A
  6. Happy Bday BJ A
  7. ahahahhahhah.......
  8. DD_asas

    Pc Crashes Prob

    thx, Gec i must see what is the next spet now,cause i still don't know for sure the prob. the thing is, components, or PC for that matter , here in Portugal are very expensive, so it doesn't do me no good buying a HD, board or power supply , good card, for example, cause in the end i will be spending more money than if i would buy a new PC. it's not like in the States, they have a lot a good stuff and for a lot a freaking good prices oh, well...I have 260/270 days of SUN eheheheheheh.....
  9. DD_asas

    Pc Crashes Prob

    Well, i've dl the seatools u recommended and run it. The result it's on the attachment. But, it says the HD passed on the SMART test. I do think it a cable of some sort, cause now every time i open the PC it happens the same error. maybe the cable connecting the HD to the card ?drive scan.doc PS- th mobo () is: asusTEK, inc P5KPL-VM chipset- intel- P35/G733/G31 southbrigde - intel -8280 1Gb LPCIO - widbond w83627dhg
  10. DD_asas

    Pc Crashes Prob

    wow..slow down guys....i'm not an expert here... what do u guys mean Mobo? Rog, the HD is Seagate ultra ATA Barracuda 7200 80 gb. it's an oldy. I have this PC for almost 6 years (made same upgrades) . Today it' happen again. When i came to the PC and try to start, it immediately did that and show that error mgs, so i ctrl +alt+del next TAB and F8 and chose HDD and ENTER. and the PC started normally, so i think it doesn't read the HD at first for same reason, what do u guys think?
  11. DD_asas

    Pc Crashes Prob

    thx, TOAD i saw several in Portuguese. It did mention the HD cables or the power supply, or (i hope not) the HD it selself. The oddest thing is when today open the il2, after clicking TR5, the PC went down. Could it be that the HD is already damage?
  12. DD_asas

    Pc Crashes Prob

    ~S~ Can one of u gents tell how the hell this error can b solved for good? it occurred 3 times already..... "reboot and select proper boot device ou insert boot media in selected boot and press a key" I've folow a same procedures, like press DEL and go to BIOS, check the cables inside the machine, especially the HD cable (which i think it's the prob) but i don't know exaccly wat to do.And meanwhile the PC now and again crashes . Any thoughts? thx A
  13. DD_asas


    wish well on this new job, jabo !
  14. nice climb, Rox. Do u Rock climb as well?
  15. listen to this
  16. DD_asas

    Buddha smiles on

    Hey, Brando u like Budas ? take a pic on this. it's a huge garden built here, here: http://www.buddhaeden.com/index.html
  17. crap. did saw that. in my FB i can see. well, to compensate take a pic on this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vs5Op6iTSlY&feature=player_embedded#!
  18. Metallica rocks eheheheh i've found this too, this guy is an artist:
  19. ~S~ u guys gotta see this, craziness, a lot of luck and skills, u name it, but people really do crazy stuff... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vo0Cazxj_yc cheers A
  20. glad u gents enjoy it. the blog is really good, lot of info of all kind. take a look at this link: http://anonymous-gen...ying.html#links
  21. ~ S ~ Searching the net, i came across this great blog about the WW II. Maybe u gents already know about it, but i' ll cher the link anyway: http://anonymous-gen...s.blogspot.com/ Cheers A
  22. Great snapshots, Kimosabi...that smoke mod it's so nice.
  23. DD_asas


    Very nice..... A
  24. DD_asas


    Andy, what version of Lock On r u flying ? cheers A
  25. « http://www.dangerdog...s-mod-and-up20/ » thanks, FB I've just checked your link above and now i'm going to see i'n everything is all right, make same tests and stuff. ( i don't how i made this, but i just reply on your REPLY ) really sorry cheers
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