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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_asas

  1. they're here, http://www.dangerdog...-dogz-time-too/ would be good if they were linked or stickied on the front page though. FB, can u (if not too much trouble) simplify the MODS enable/disable operation? i've red the text on that link, but i'm a bit confused. For exemple, i have the Fire Smoke effect on the JSGME, but it doesn't make the effect, and i'm probably using MODS that r consuming a lot a RAM and i'm not even using them. if u can help, it would b cool. Cheers A
  2. 1:00AM my Time ? Crap .... that's absolutely a no go for me. I must :growl:get free time on the other days or I'll never fly with u gents.And off line is not much fun anymore. Tue, Thur. and Sun. and the Sat Ubi Zoo session, usually start around what? 7h00 my time?
  3. ))....ok. not for then. I don't have a wide-screen. Still have a TFT. Thx for the tip, Andy. cheers A
  4. Here: http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/topic/7668-ercan-wide-2-new-file-in-mods-vault/page__pid__83389#entry83389
  5. Thx for the help, gents I'm all patch up now, i think. I have Ultra pack 2.01, TS 3 ( didn't test it yet), so i'm ready to go. One other thing, not related to this topic. I saw that FB has a Wide map mod installed, and i've tried to install following his instructions but it didn't show anything. Does the map automatically shows in the cockpit ? or must one press the "map" key? My TIR is PRO TIR 4 up to date to software TIR V5 (last version) cheers A
  6. ~S~ I've been so apart , that i can't recall a simple thing as a IP or a server to join the TS or the version of the game u gents r using . Apologies r in order, so truly sorry for my lack of duty towards the DD's. I'm not the most present member, but i do enjoy this crowd .... I have much more time now ( i think), so i will Wednesdays for flying, if u gents don't mind flying with a absolute "noobster" Cheers A
  7. Very good. I really enjoy this docs from HCH, and i havnt watched this one yet, till now. cheers A
  8. Hey, Streak that's a fine animal u got there.

  9. excellent PICS, m8
  10. Hey...u gents could create a DD'z Photo album like Flickr or Photobucket or something, regarding the trips and stuff related to DD's This pics r quite nice.
  11. GREAT STUFF....Andy one could almost jump into one of does and fly ..eheheeh post same more if u have. AC
  12. Hooray !!!! cheers, BG
  13. Nice party u gents were having in the Red Lion....
  14. Did u chek the monitor cable? if all the lights come on when u start, maybe there's something wrong with that cable. twisted or something. I had a similar prob, but was the PC power source.
  15. crap. FT. we've been robed.Oh, well. better luck and better football on both times next time.


  16. DD_asas

    Pre Radar

    if u gents notice, the third pic is indeed the first Track IR ever produce , by Natural point, TIR 0.0...eheheh
  17. DD_asas

    rise of flight

    men, this pic looks like a real photo.... very nice. When i see this pixels quality, i just wanna crie
  18. DD_asas

    Gb V Usa

    thx for the explanation on the baseball stuff. u were a player, cool. Pro league or something? why did u quit? Hey... The true origin of the Vuvuzela . Do u still wanna blow them?
  19. DD_asas

    Gb V Usa

    thx for the explanation. cool. Pro league or something? why did u quit?
  20. DD_asas

    Gb V Usa

    My bad, Delta 7. off course. ENGLAND. GB it's easy to write. but u got a point. while we r talking sport. a Q. for the US gents. whats the diference between softball and baseball? Rules of the game? A
  21. DD_asas

    Gb V Usa

    thx,FB . i miss that.
  22. DD_asas

    Gb V Usa

    it does. this is not yet the playoff . first they play, all against each other in the groups, and the first 2 go on. and only on the second fase is the playoff. A team lose, and is out. there it can't happen a a tie. Hey....and this is a real WORLD CUP ......LOL not yours world series eheheheheheh just joking, andy
  23. DD_asas

    Gb V Usa

    but Lampard and Rooney didn't play at their best. Johnson, I like a lot , though.
  24. DD_asas

    Gb V Usa

  25. DD_asas

    Gb V Usa

    indee. who is that keeper anyways?
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