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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_asas

  1. HUMMMMM.... dunno Arthur. I'll will delay u guys quite a lot, cause of the explanations and all. I never fly COD in full CEM, and i will spend to much time trying to get control of the aricraft, and the radiator and mixture and looking at the gauges, provinding dat i will get the craft on the air...lol. I think i'll pass this one. But some lessons from u or jed or some else's, dat can handle the CEM would be nice. i'm gonna do my part, try to fly full CEM off line, and see if i get the hand of it., to be more easy when u gents pass your expertise. thx for the hints A
  2. ahahahaahhaahah well, gents, do u fly COD full realistic ? cause if u do , i can't even fly well the dam thing on custom...
  3. Great freaking work Andy. any PS on it? Even so, if it has, it's a hell of a good pics A
  4. just a question. For u maybe a dum one, but it's pertinent for me: how do u guys get the hand on those planes? it's dat easy? on dat web site there's a link for homebuilding . it's just curiosity. we, Portugal, were neutral, so didn't get to have planes.
  5. Woderful youtube collection of photos/videos of the german army in World War Two. A
  6. Yes, Jabo, i think u're right. crappy game. so many controls....
  7. crap, pooka, 400 !!!!! i'll see it for sure. thx , m8.
  8. ~S~ Well, Pooka/Gec THX it's a bit of a help. i'll try dat. cheers A
  9. Comon, guys, 66 views and not a single reply to help? only need one ... im strugling with dat freaking game cheers
  10. Can one of u gent's send me yours COD map keys for: turrets and how to move the gunner from one to another like in IL2 46; views (outside cockpit and inside) not the FOV. i got TIR; bail out, cause i can't get out the dam aircraft, and so i'm always crashing with it... i'll appreciate dat, guys. thx A
  11. DD_asas


  12. DD_asas


    From the album: FOR JIM

    <p> One last Fly on the P-38..... </p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>PS5 graphic</p>
  13. I already SALUTE via FB cause i was in vacation, and only knew this today, but this is the proper place to do it. For me, since i've got the privilege of join the DD's , by invitation of snack, this was a special place to hang out. has u all know i'not the most attending on fly nigths guy, but i fly with BG a couple times. He was super cool for a guy who didn't new anything about the game or the people around. For me once a DD always a DD..till death.... so long , m8 Augusto
  14. Great, thx a lot guys. U're the best. cheers
  15. ~S~ Can one of u fine gents give me the link for the recent RC4 pacth? thx A
  16. DD_asas


    cool aviation cap....
  17. EUREKAAAAAAA........ done it. i was " create a folder called #UP# in my UP3.0 game folder then copy the Smoke aircraft crashed and the Fire smoke effect folders and paste them into the #UP# folder and they both..." as Madtrooper as u gents daid, but ten i always went to MOD enabler to activate the mods...and it never made the intended effect. So, this time i didn't and voilá.....smoke effect..... thx both. A
  18. THX great explanation... i'll do that. cheers A
  19. DD_asas

    Up3.0 Hotfix

    Success ...
  20. Hye madtrooper, thx. But tell me.Where do i find the" Smoke aircraft crashed" ? i don't have it...i think i DL the Mod Smoke effect from the Vault, and created a folder called #UP# in my UP3.0 game folder, like u said, but since i don't have the other one u mention, it's not working still. ~S~
  21. ~S~ can any of u gents tell me how to activate that great Smoke mod in the new UP 3 Rc pack? i've tried both ways, like explained in the REad me file and A
  22. DD_asas

    Dragon Slayer

    "riders on storm..." lol cool
  23. thx for help guys. i think a gotta the UP run now.
  24. did this happen to someone? when i run the EXE file it happen this. ANY HELP WILL B GREAT....
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