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3. Danger Dogz
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    United Kingdom

Everything posted by DD_asas

  1. i did as u told , and it did correct same issues. But, the Russian remains. Also, now with Mods On, i can't use bombers, cause the no matter what a do the bombs don't pop down... But, when i chose 4.09 with Mods off, my assign key for dropping bombs in the joy, works fine.
  2. thx i'm on it...
  3. thx i'm on it...
  4. Since my upgrade to the Switcher mod
  5. Since my upgrade to the Switcher mod
  6. :fireworks:
  7. :fireworks:
  8. I have return from my holidays, (pics will be posted later) and this
  9. congrats, m8
  10. welcome ,mate
  11. a Swiss army knife
  12. probably not, DT u as a good Portuguese by blood, know how to "desenrascar-se" (manege your self ) LOL
  13. Check this link http://www.cracked.com/article_17251_p2.html the word it is miss spelled, but it OK u guys get the point.....
  14. after tested and comproved that is really BETTER than TS, i'm all for the change, cause I'm allways with sound probs.
  15. great help, Gec
  16. humm... I'm using blogspot.com . does that ring a bell to u? i found that changing URL for the body, for ex, i can change the original.... in a "HTML properties" of the blog I'll keep exploring , but thx for the explanation, Rog
  17. i guys, I'm building a BLOG at Work, and maybe u dogz could give a help in same points. How do i change the body, colours and letters of the original (predefine) Blog? is there
  18. i really like this new look ....very cool, rog. cheers
  19. Smash u just made me give u a BIG SALUTE ....... I JUST LOVE "MONTYS" keep them coming :k9lmao:
  20. yea, thx m8. But that style as u put it, allready give me two broken ribs and tree broken fingers on diferent times. Well, but a men gotta do what a men gotta do, if he enjoy do in it. cheers
  21. once, i went fishing with an uncle, and i got myself a little fish, can't recall the name, like 10 cm
  22. NOP. That was a while ago. now i can´t till i recover 100%
  23. Men, is there any fish left ? U
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