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Everything posted by Bonger

  1. Have a Happy B-Day lil_sparrow !!
  2. ~S~
  3. Congrats BG & fellow Dogz on the 3rd anniversary of the Danger Dogz squadron. I am truley honored to be part of one of the most notable squadrons online !! Bonger
  4. I started playing Call of Duty, United Offensive and then COD2 since the outset, I guess approx 4 years now. In that time I was a founding member in both "The Old Breed" & the =[1st]=Brigade Sniper Clans. I also enjoy COD2 Capture the Flag, Search & Destroy and Base Assault servers too. I recently found a few COD2 Tactical Realisim servers that I find very trying if you are up to the challange. If someone is intrested, email me @ yogi@telus.net and I'll pass on those IP#'s. I purchased COD4 and played for 3-4 days and got bored of the R&G game play of modern warefare. A copy of Battlefield 2 / 2142 with a ranking system, better graphics and some more weapons (Yawn). As I see now alot of players that left to play their new COD4 two weeks ago are starting to trickle back to the COD2 servers and are feeling the same way. I'm sure COD2 will continue to be popular. I hope if there is a COD5, that it returns to WWII. Bonger
  5. Happy Birthday !!
  6. W :o W !!
  7. Bonger

    Older Women

    After being married for 44 years, a husband took a careful look at his wife one day and said, "Honey, 44 years ago we had a cheap apartment, a cheap car, slept on a sofa bed and watched a 10-inch black and white TV, but I got to sleep every night with a hot 25-year-old gal. Now I have a $500,000.00 home, a $45,000.00 car, nice big bed and plasma screen TV, but I'm sleeping with a 65-year-old woman. It seems to me that you're not holding up your side of things." His wife being a very reasonable woman told him to go out and find a hot 25-year-old gal, and she would make sure that he would once again be living in a cheap apartment, driving a cheap car, sleeping on a sofa bed and watching a 10-inch black and white TV. Aren't older women great? They really know how to solve a mid-life crises Bonger
  8. ~S~ & Happy Birthday Greenstreaks !! Bonger
  9. Just recently a Calgary Alberta based exotic car performance shop, ZR Auto, filmed this cool You Tube video of multiple Ferraris & Lamborghinis hitting top speed early one morning on a lonely stretch of two lane highway in the Alberta foothills between the city of Calgary and the snow covered Rocky Mountains in the distance. In some scenes they have the highway signs blocked out to hide thier location, but apparantly someone ratted them out to the R.C.M.P. who are currently investigating the high speed runs. http://youtube.com/watch?v=XrsaeUJgymo And the Mounties always get their man....... http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/s ... TVNewsAt11 QDM
  10. Nice pics Rattler ! Yes, Tunnel Mountain above Banff is one of my families favorite spots. The view of Banff, the Hoodoos with the Bow River below is simply amazing. Hopfully we can make time this summer to hike to the Ink Spots also. I drove out to Banff for supper the other night and the main street in Banff is closed / eeerrr missing due to the installation of sewer & water. That should make some nice photos for the tourists this summer. When ever we go out to Banff a place we love to finnish off a day of exploring is Bumpers Steakhouse (first building on the right on the east entrance into the town of Banff), if you never tried it they have great food, highly recommended
  11. Happy Birthday M8 !! All the Best !! Bonger
  12. I watched this flick 2 weeks ago and yes I also agree it was a very good movie.
  13. Wow I didn'yt realize that Rattler !! I will have to remember to oin up on Bomber night 4 sure. Bonger
  14. ~S~ BBloke !! Yes m8 it was a sight to see 12 Betty's lined up on 2 parrallel tarmacs readying for take off with only a couple of minor mishaps. It was an awsume experiance to be a part off that armada off Bettys. It was a great time flying and being on comms with Rich77 and youself that morning. And JP I agree with you 100% on what you said..... "Apart from the usual K9's on Zeke's - there are other great ones (Fritze, Mig, etc) flying often.
  15. Bonger

    Great Site

    Salute Deacon
  16. Good one BG !! :k9lmao:
  17. I'm sure this has aired on the U.S. History Channel already and maybe in Canada too but I had missed it.... The Canadian History Channel is having "Dogfight" week this week. The first show that I am watching tonight as I type this is called "The Greatest Air Battles" showing famous WWI, WWII & Korean war dogfights (and i'm sure Vietnam) with tactics & computer animation so you are along for the ride with that pilot. Awsume show !! My 50" Sony LCD with the 1000w Surround Sound Cranked !! I'm along for the ride !!!! I hope the rest of the shows this week are of the same caliber !! Bonger
  18. Thanks for the Betty pic JP !!! A 'lil paint and and oil change and she is good to go !!
  19. Bonger


    Amen Brothers, It's 11:52 a.m. & I am good to go !! :wav2: Thank you Big Time BBloke for the detailed instuctions !! Even this
  20. Bonger


    Tonar Man, I looked in my Ubisoft/1946 program folder until I got tired of looking for the old one and the new one I just downloaded and I can't seem see either anywhere. Bonger
  21. Bonger


    Thanks Guys !! I downloaded the patch, I think???, when it finished I hit run and it vanished. Now what do I do? I do not understand what you do after you download to make it work. I click on my desktop Icon for the game and I still get the "No Disc" error I mentioned previous. If someone could explain in detail here or walk me through the proceedure on TS that would be great Bonger
  22. Bonger


    Howdy BBloke, After almost 2 weeks I'm still MIA from playing IL2 1946 in our coops, campaign & Z & W server. I guess I will have to take you up on your offer m8 !! After over a week of trying and finally today sucsessfully downloading Symantec Anti Virus protection on my P/C my DVD
  23. Yeah m8 !! One of the fringe benifits of working downtown is all the awsume scenery !! :) HHHOOOooooooOOOOOoooooOOOOOLLLLlllllll !!!!!! It would be hard not to find a restaurant without gorgeous waitresses much like Joey Tomatoes !! Other than Banff, these locations downtown have great scenry as well......Fuel, Earls, Quincy's on Seventh, Roxy's, and Jack ASStors on Macleod South to name only a few. Hope to cya ya next time when your in town ! Bonger
  24. Bonger


    Howdy m8's !! Sending this from work.. The last couple of days I have been Missing in Action on Z & W, reason being my P/C @ home is infected with some kind of virus that so far slowed my P/C down terrably, prevents me from playing any games were I have to insert the disc & locks the curser on my son's Battlefield 2 game and now gives him the same disc error too. With 1946 I get an error message saying I didn't insert the correct disc and yesterday I now recieve a pop up screen to some web site (who's name I forget right now & I won't open) that says it will help me with my disc problem. Grrrrr !! I will be installing Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition tonight to hopefully resolve the problem. Doohh !! That's what I get for only running my Internet suppliers protection and multiple other free spyware ect.on my P/C. I hope to be disinfected soon! Bonger
  25. Your welcome m8 !! Rattler's suggestions are a must see for sure !! Another one is Heritage Park: http://www.heritagepark.ca/home.htm Dang ! Sorry I won't be able to get away to hook up (with family time & work and all) until this Saturday the 2nd if your still in town that day. If I don't see you have a great time !! Bonger
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