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Everything posted by Bonger

  1. Howdy Erco !! Hope this helps M8 !! http://www.calgaryplus.ca/bars_restaurants http://www.clubzone.com/home.asp?city=15 http://www.calgarytower.com/ http://www.calgaryattractions.com/ Quick Draw "Bonger" McGraw Calgary Alberta
  2. From one Newb to another... Welcome August !! Hope to meet you in the wild blue yonder soon !! Quick Draw "Bonger" McGraw
  3. You cannot make a man by standing a sheep on its hind legs. But by standing a flock of sheep in that position you can make a crowd of men.
  4. What the hell !!?? I hurt myself trying to read what ever that jargin was
  5. Sorry to hear of the constant p/c quirks Dazza !! Hope you reconsidar m8 or get the problems resolved. Bonger
  6. Very nice indeed !!!
  7. I watched an amazing 1 hour National Geographic program this morning called the "Lost Ship of Ice" where divers travelled to the Rockey Mountains in Canada and dived Patricia Lake in Jasper National Park for the remains of the small prototype for the much larger HMS Habbakuk!. DID YOU KNOW? In 1942 Winston Churchill approved a top secret project to conceive the construction of the worlds largest aircraft carrier. It was to weigh an incredible 2 million tonnes and was to be made of Pykrete, a mixture of ice and wood pulp. It would hold 200 spitfires, have 200 foot thick sides, cost $70,000,000, take 8 months to construct and it would be absolutely, and utterly unsinkable. A much smaller prototype was constructed, in Canada, but the war ended before the project of building the full scale 'HMS Habbakuk' could be fully started....... Desparately seeking solutions to the U-boat threat, Britain actually planned to build an unsinkable aircraft carrier out of ice! The HMS Habbakuk was the brainchild of Goeffrey Pyke, inventor of "Pykrete", a mixture of ice and wood pulp. Pykrete could be hammered and sawn like wood and was incredibly slow-melting despite being 90% water. The 280,000 Pykrete cubes needed for construction would take eight months and 8,000 workers to make in Canada. The 2,000-foot long monster "berg-ship" would displace two million tons and have an incredibly deep draft, keeping it out of most harbors. The inside would be hollowed out for quarters, hangars, and a massive refrigeration plant with walls 50 feet thick. Twenty-six electric engines, each in its own nacelle with a propellor, were fed by a generating plant. Speed was slow and manuverability nearly non-existent, but Habbakuk could provide an airbase capable of handling long-range, twin-engined land planes, and could not "sink" as it was already water! The high labor costs of construction and breakthroughs in ASW apparatus and codebreaking significantly lessened the U-boat threat enough to melt away official interest in the "iceberg carrier". In the book "Grand Fleet", however, no Allied convoys had made it through to Arkangelsk by late 1942. Russia is on the ropes and desperately needs supplies to stave off defeat. The fresh frozen Pykrete carrier Habbakuk joins a critically important convoy off Newfoundland and, with other ships, fends off Luftwaffe air attacks and succesfully escorts the convoy to safety. Russia squeaks by and begins to build up for an offensive to repel the Axis invaders. The Allies wondered what to do with the ship, now that her duty was done. The Soviets wanted it as an offshore prison ship in Siberia, but the Americans took it across the Polar Route to Alaska to use as a ready-made housing project for Eskimos displaced by the Japanese occupation of Attu and Kiska. They politely refused. Still relatively intact after the war, it was towed to Bikini Atoll for the A-bomb tests where the above-water portion was vaporized by the explosion. The lower portion bobbed up and caused much concern and disbelief among mariners who sighted the diminishing iceberg adrift in equatorial waters. Here is a website with a artwork that gives a great sense of scale by setting the HMS Habbakuk next to the USS Missouri and USS Nimitz, two titans of the seas..... http://www.somethingawful.com/booklist/august05.htm Bonger
  8. BG !! Is that the St. Lawrence river running through your Estate M8 ?
  9. Thanks to all the Danger Dogz & Persecutor & Deacon352nd of the 352nd Squadron for letting me join in the action for the last round to have experianced the SEOW campaign. My flight in a 352nd Squadron AI contolled A-20 turret gunner position was uneventful but was fun to say the least. Since I seen no action I spent the time enjoying the precision commands "barked out"
  10. Bonger


    Welcome Nightwarrior !! Glad you decided to fly with the litter !! Talleeehoooo !!!!!!!! Quick Draw "Bonger" McGraw
  11. Thank you for the welcome pilots of the K9 Squadrons !! Hi Klinger, as for me mentioning COD 1, ya it's actually been replaced by the COD expansion pack, United Offensive and COD2. A few months ago we added Capture the Flag, Base Assualt and soon to be Conquest maps to our rotation of Sniper maps. If you feel like being a ground hugger you are all welcome to come to our forums and say Hi and see what were all about and grab our IP's and join us for a round or ten. Since you moved on to exclusivly IL2 1946 with the 4.08 I guess I'll have to see if I can round up members from either our Death Bringers or Black Flag Squadrons to purchase the game (Is it an Expansion pack?) and install 4.08 so we can hook up with you guys in the future. Myself and the rest of my guys being some what green to playing online with other squadrons in the Sturmovik games, can some one please list out exactly what we need to do to join you guys and I'll fight the good fight back home to stir up intrest. The only games I own of the series is IL2 Sturmovik "Forgotten Battles" (which I never played online as of yet) and of course my stand alone Pacific Fighters. After rooming thru your Website & Forums a few times I can't seem to find your Server IP Addy or any mention for that matter of where you guys fly. Do you have an open server like us thats 24/7? Or do you fly in a Ubi Soft Lobby or Hyper Lobby only at certian times? I take it that to fly with you guys its by invite or members only? Which is most likely why I don't see any instructions on how to jump into your game. Do any of you know of any squadrons that fly our current game and patches that we can hook up with in the mean time while I try to get pilots to fly with the K9's? If not is there a internet Squadron ring I can search through myself? Sorry for all the questions boys, but I'm learning !!
  12. Howdy K9 Squadron from the 1st Brigade !! It's Tim a.k.a. Quick Draw "Bonger" McGraw from Calgary Alberta Canada. The =[1st]= pilots are mostly new to Pacific Fighters but we are laid back, friendly and play to have fun also. We enjoy having loads of fun dogfighting against one another for confirmed kills and with flying bomber missions too. Are server (Located in Chicago) has been up and running since Oct. 2006. This post is not to recruit members , but to hopefully be able to finally meet other clans and play on each others servers with and against each other in matches or Tourneys or just for fun. Since we are new to the game it would be great to be able to network with others who have the same passion for flying the Pacific Fighters sim and learn from each other at the same time. You are Welcome to Join us at Our Server I.P. Current Map Running: Marianas Island Group You must patch in sequential order. v.3.03, v. 3.03 to 3.04, v.4.01, v.4.02, v.4.03, v.4.04. (stand alone patches) See the below links. http://www.ubi.com/US/Downloads/Downloa ... ?dfId=1047 http://www.ubi.com/US/Downloads/Downloa ... ?dfId=1063 http://www.ubi.com/US/Downloads/Downloa ... ?dfId=1795 http://www.ubi.com/US/Downloads/Downloa ... ?dfId=2202 http://www.ubi.com/US/Downloads/Downloa ... ?dfId=2435 http://www.ubi.com/US/Downloads/Downloa ... ?dfId=2488 We also utilize Team Speak for in game comunications. A little blurb about us...... The =[1st]= Brigade is a friendly multi server internet gaming clan (mostly middle aged) with approximatly 90 members from the Canada, U.S.A., Europe and a few destinations in between. We are experienced pros at Call of Duty, Call of Duty United Offensive, Call of Duty 2 and have approximatly 40 members & guests active in our Pacific Fighters server. Our servers are mixed gametypes and we encourage you to drop in and play a few rounds with us. The most important thing is to have fun. We are a group of players who have been around for a while and who have developed quite a few common traits and viewpoints. We wish to have members and guests who would like to share our "ideals". We have certain standards of game play to be followed and expect all current and future members and guests to act accordingly. We would like to see everybody HAPPY and enjoy there stay. Drop by and register at our forums @ http://1stbrigade.com/, log into our servers, and see how good it is to be =[1st]=! I hope to see some of you in our skies and hopefully we can arrange a match or two in the future ! Regards Tim a.k.a. Quick Draw "Bonger" McGraw
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