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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. Could you imagine the SEOW campaigns based on that...? Dogz SEOW C.O. - "Right, we've got 16 volunteers for Spitfires, 8 volunteers for the Hurricanes, but I'm still looking at 2 volunteers for the Carrier Pidgeons, step up now chaps! Remember you'll be loaded up with a 5g HE bomblet and will have the 'Wings of Fury' MOD available to you." Dogz -"GROAN!"
  2. Pooka, Is this it...? http://www.download.com/Advanced-SystemCare-Free/3000-2086_4-10407614.html And was it free for you too?
  3. Very good indeed!
  4. Nope, just another preview of SOW:BoB. Nearly finished!
  5. http://embed.break.com/Njc3MDEw
  6. Another good one.... http://www.theonion.com/content/video/fda_approves_depressant_drug_for Wish I could get a hold of this drug so I could give it to some annoying people!
  7. Does indeed sound to me that during your PC's boot process, when it's detecting hard drives, it is indeed searching on the USB channel for disks. Check your BIOS settings to see if there's an option to somehow disable the scanning of devices on USB, during boot up. ... or wait for THE definitive answer from Rog.
  8. Still comes 2nd best to THE #1 job... licking the paint off afterwards!
  9. I'm touched and honoured, BadAim, that I could gosh (bless me Friar)ing do all that for you. That has empowered me to carry on finding more gosh (bless me Friar)ing useless funny things to post up and waste more peoples' time.
  10. http://media.ebaumsworld.com/mediaFiles/video/705265/80542641.flv
  11. Can't embed these... *** NSFW because of language *** http://www.theonion.com/content/video/sony_releases_new_stupid_piece_of http://www.theonion.com/content/video/ninja_parade_slips_through_town http://www.theonion.com/content/video/hurricane_bound_for_texas_slowed http://www.theonion.com/content/video/army_holds_annual_bring_your http://www.theonion.com/content/video/in_the_know_are_reality_shows
  12. Well done TOAD!
  13. Sheesh! Are all you guys consultants in real life? You should all get together to start a consultancy company.
  14. Did you notice the ticker-tape reader on the right end of the table? That is Rattler's input controller, he doesn't have a joystick. He has to pre-load his movements in to the game BEFORE he flies. He just punches out that whole reel of ticker-tape for 1 sortie. He's SO hardcore!
  15. Ah huh! And is this your computer room...?
  16. Sheesh! That was pretty pants before! Where are you living? In a teepee, on the middle of a glacier? Didn't you have a modem/router, did you just use smoke signals as your transmission medium?
  17. Wow! You got to play an early beta of BoB!!! Lucky you! Still some way to go I see, but at least they've gotten the roundels finished.
  18. Cute & funny... http://embed.break.com/NjYxODQ3
  19. Sweet skills! ... and that girl in red is hot! http://embed.break.com/NjYyMDg5
  20. Finally got to download it after about 2 hours and it was only a 90MB file!!!!
  21. Yeah we used this software at work. Very good indeed. p.s. I just tried to apply for this, but their site keeps on timing out. I guess they must be swamped?
  22. Submitted by a first year girl for a homework assignment ...sheer class!! After it was marked and the child brought it home, she returned to school the next day with the following note: Dear Ms. Davis, I want to be very clear on my child's illustration.
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