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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs13/f/2007/077/2/e/Animator_vs__Animation_by_alanbecker.swf
  2. He's a cutey indeed!
  3. Projectile Anvils & Dangerous Explosive Mallets We have nearly reached our peak as a species!
  4. How's it going Tonar? How does the little fella sleep during the night?
  5. Ah nice illustration to show the ailerons. But like he said, that must of made the aircraft roll way too much. Scary sh1t indeed.
  6. OH SH1T!
  7. I got a second airbrush from these guys off eBay. Very good airbrush for the money. http://everythingairbrush.co.uk/acatalog/Gravity_Feed.html AB-132A £30 with VAT They do compressors from £60. But I've never tried their ones. Originally, I had a suction-feed airbrush, similar to Rattlers with the bottle underneith, but I wasn't happy with the flow. So with gravity-feed, the flow is a lot more constant.
  8. Wow, great story.
  9. ^ Bloody hell!
  10. Great pix Tribunus! I love that little fake tank, hilarious! As for your question, here is my answer... a) It is the one and only, failed, prototype of the Fokker powered shopping-trolley.
  11. On my satelitte subscription, they're showing The Red Baron right now. In one scene, one allied pilot is on the deck after a major furball and the Red Baron has to ditch too, and lands next to him. The allied pilot goes to unbutton his pistol, but doesn't shoot the Red Baron. The two meet and shake hands and are all pally before they go their separate ways and re-join their own forces. My question is... if you were that allied pilot, would you 'bust a cap in his ass'? The WWI aerial battle seemed too polite. Considering the propaganda/noteriety the Red Baron had, wouldn't it be beneficial if you took him out there and then, as he ditched, or would you consider it too un-gentleman. Looking at the the history, I'd shoot him with no qualms. But if I was there and then in the moment, I probably wouldn't/couldn't.
  12. I would like to experience a Thanksgiving Day, one day, especially since I'm an American Football fan. It sounds like a great day to enjoy. Enjoy all the same, and save us a Turkey 'sarny'!
  13. I saw Chicago when I was living in London, and it really was a great experience. The band were outstanding!
  14. Guffaw! http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/World-News/Bolivia-Worst-E-Fit-Sketch-Helps-Police-Arrest-Suspect-In-Taxi-Driver-Rafael-Vargas-Murder/Article/200911415465584?lpos=World_News_Carousel_Region_4&lid=ARTICLE_15465584_Bolivia%3A_Worst_E-Fit_Sketch_Helps_Police_Arrest_Suspect_In_Taxi_Driver_Rafael_Vargas_Murder
  15. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1229099/Revealed-The-student-howlers-dumbed-exams-pupils.html
  16. Having a large glass of wine every night, not only helps improve my gunnery skills,
  17. Fair enough I guess. What were their excuses? A heated debate? Checking things on laptop? For 90+ mins!?!? You snooze, you lose, literally!
  18. One question! Why would someone good looking use a dating website anyway? Me-thinks these other countries, with good looking people using dating services, have other problems!
  19. I've went on holiday to Mousehole, Cornwall, as a kid. Lovely place and the best ever ice-cream in the world! http://www.cornwall-online.co.uk/westcornwall/mousehole.htm But the locals are picky on how you pronounce the place.
  20. Happy Birthday chaps! What did yous get?
  21. Damn, whoever threw that in should of gotten lynched and strung up. Then the people who caught him, given New Year's Honours by the Queen.
  22. Are all the fans working too? CPU Graphic card PSU Co-Processor (if it has one)
  23. I liked the "Still awaiting the first German sitcom to arrive." Since living here in Austria, their idea of 'comedy' sucks ass!
  24. PowerPoint presentation [attachment=1]
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