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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by GreyKnight

  1. And the first real world application this will be used for... "Jenna Jameson Life-Like Right Hand" only $129.99
  2. Check out the customer reviews below the item. These TV stars won't be 'appreciated' by anyone outside the UK, but the comments are still funny... http://www.amazon.co.uk/Inch-Canvas-51cm-PAUL-MirrorPrintStore/dp/B001N6W8U0/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B001N6LT0A/ref=pd_luc_sbs_02_01
  3. I can just imagine the Cessna pilot sticking his middle finger out of the window as he went passed and shouting, "ASS-HAT!" HELICOPTER CRASH - ALMOST p.s. It would be good to know from our Professionals, like CaptJackG, on who had right of way there? Assuming either of them had looked around.
  4. If this extension does get built, and in time, I'll try and make a shot to come over too.
  5. ... but I'd still like to try it. The Individual Airship - France
  6. Jabo, I saw the pix at 1st, and then you edited your post and they're gone now.
  7. Jabo, Did you have a little 'man-wee' in your pants when you saw this?
  8. Happy birthday Jediteo, what did you get? Looking at the calendar, it's also Greenstreaks too! Happy Birthday too 'Streaks, what did you get also?
  9. Pretty good for his first(?) effort. Nice job on the DPM paint job.
  10. Sheesh! Either all punters are on mega-steroids now, or the architects didn't factor in how high punts go. Video of highlights of the game below, and you can see that punt... http://www.nfl.com/videos/nfl-game-highlights/09000d5d81210621/NFLTA-Titans-Cowboys-highlights
  11. Catalyst, I don't think this helo is being tested in order to defeat Retreating Blade Stall, as I doubt they can ever get around that. I think this prototype is testing to see if they can better performance from this Vectored Thrust Ducted Propeller. As a normal tail rotor uses up between 10% of a helo's power, just to stop it spinning around. So if they can use this new rotor for anti-torque AND an extra bit of thrust, along with the little wings, I guess these guys will be happier? But just seems... a bit daft to me. But I'd like to see how it pans out.
  12. Are there any other panels you can glue open? If so, I'd go for it. Make it look like it's having a servicing.
  13. Never heard of this before... See the pilot trying to get its fat arse off the ground at first.
  14. You nerd Rattler! You painted each individual round according to their type! Is the panel that goes on top of these removable? Or is it glued in place?
  15. 555 KUBIK_ extended version
  16. Ha-ha, just imagine how many secret service members were keenly watching these guys closely. "Standby! One of the them is reaching up to... no wait, stand-down, he's just picking a bogey out of his nose."
  17. Huh? No... leave it be GK... you can fight the urge... don't let it... Yeah, lets just put this issue to bed. Let's all shake hands, slap each other on the back, wave farewell and walk away. Then turn to your like-minded fellows and, whilst hooking a thumb towards the other lot, whisper, "Bunch of freak-a-zoids them other lot!"
  18. They really did get the lighting nailed down though. I remember seeing demos at least a year ago with them going on about the lighting. The way the sunset reflects on the underside of the wing is top notch.
  19. Very nice indeed. I love the wood panelling in the cockpit. And the sounds are great too, especially the control devices squeaking and clunking. The engine sound is lovely too. But the 6DOF seemed to be very stiff. When you looked down the right hand side of the fuselage for take-off. Was that just low FPS causing that to appear stiff?
  20. Lovely landscapes! Does this game support 6DOF too?
  21. Hope she pays well! Wa-Heyyyyyyy!
  22. I love some of these flash mobs...
  23. I'm not doubting the benefits of that haircut, just how the hell do you get it so flat? You must hire some physicists to 'do' your hair, not a regular barber.
  24. I hadn't seen them all, but they were good. Nice one!
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