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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bucky

  1. I have their whole chase well documented.I chose to show the end well,..just because. Interesting how 2 J.O. instructors would do this sort of thing.Obviosly their Target Fixation was extreme.There was no comms bewteen them at all during this.An amazing and funny event,but I'd like to keep it as an example of what not to do.
  2. Funflak crashes. Painless keeps firing. Funflak's explosion takes out the 109. Painless can't avoid the fireballs. The force of these 2 explosions tear off his left wing and he crashes. This chain reaction only took a few seconds.An incredible event,but a costly one.
  3. Funflak lines up on the 109. With Painless in hot pursuit. Funflak overshoots his target and clips the 109. Funflak is in trouble as Painless opens fire.
  4. DOH!Thanks Enforcer,I meant 111.I fixed that.Just what did Blue learn about anti-shipping strikes?...We have ways of making you talk.....Ohh Painless!Bring your sheep...LOL I shouldn't have said that but it's too late now.
  5. A couple more. The "Sandwich Manouver" courtesy of Painless and Pooka. A nice one of Pooka toying with/intimadating the enemy over the Allied fleet. All for now...........~S~!
  6. Here's a few random shots from the High Fleet CAP. I'm engaged with 2 109's.Note the external tank is still attached.I flew with it the entire mission...DOH!
  7. Glad you liked it Enforcer,definitely a unique situation as you said.Both Painless and I wanted to know what happened to that stuka, as we both attacked it.When I watched the trk of the stuka,I was amazed at what I saw at the end.I HAD to make a screenstory...(new word)...of this event for sure.Plus it also confirmed that our armour had reached Foggia. I think that between you and me we cover pretty much everything that happens in these SEOW missions.We seem to be the unofficial photographers of this Italy campaign,imbedded in our respective sides...LOL. I have more screenstories of the last 2 missions that the Blues haven't seen yet.I'll try to post some more for you guys as they become de-classified...heh heh.....~S~!
  8. I've never seen anything like this before.Anyone else?I think this is quite a unique scenario,and could be used in the movie.What do you guys think?
  9. The tank fires at the stuka rolling down the runway. and just misses the stuka. By now the other tanks have arrived and open fire. The stunned stuka pilots finally realize what's happening and exit the game. Well there you go Enforcer and co,I hope you enjoyed this.
  10. The damaged stuka arrives at Foggia And so do the Allied tanks. The stuka lands... and rolls right by an Allied tank which has arrived ahead of the others.
  11. Glad you like it guys.Whats really cool is the Edmonton fans also sang the American Anthem as well.Not as loud, but they sang it.A class act all the way.
  12. These spiders remind me of people in my nieghborhood.
  13. Well guys,its the N.H.L. Stanely Cup playoffs again.Here's how us hockey fans sing our national anthem. BTW this is from the 2006 playoffs in Edmonton Alberta. Enjoy.
  14. Imagine a first time visitor,curious about us,visiting our message boards.....and stumbling across this.
  15. Honesty is the best policy
  16. I just gotta get a printer...
  17. Thanks BG.There has been so much talk about the mod thing.We are an honorable group and don't have to concern ourselves with who's using what.Rest assured,my mod use will be purely out of curiousity and would never be used around here.Strictly offline only.Ditto with the rest of us I'm sure!
  18. LOL,good stuff guys.How about this....What would Mom think!?!
  19. Ok,I've got all the files and folders backed up.Thanks Rattler and BBloke. Now,I need to know how to make a back up copy of the whole game.I'm thinking of trying that sound mod thing.
  20. Well,c'mon screen.....reply!
  21. Ummm.....RUN!!
  22. This actually gave me chills.Especially what he says at the end.
  23. Ok,I have
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