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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bucky

  1. Obviously there's mental issues here.I think the boyfriend should be held accountable as well.I mean c'mon,that's just not right.
  2. ~S~ Here's some incredible pics from the summer of 2003....The extreme forest fires around Kelowna , B.C....remember this JP?
  3. DD_Bucky

    Bad Dawg!

    LOL....Go Reds!
  4. ~S~
  5. ~S~
  6. Excellent story sir....can't believe the other guy typed out the whole song..lol
  7. ~S~
  8. Excellent site.I purchased Hunters in the skies series years ago in VHS.However,alot of the time they just showed random guncam footage.They'd be talking about Spits and you would see a 109 being shot at etc.Still a great series though.
  9. no way...is that Delilah??...
  10. ~S~ BG.....it's better than whacking alphalfa...
  11. from the ubizoo forums
  12. What happened...what was the score?
  13. Hoo boy,I've gone and done it now.A 109 skin on a spit?!...Made you look ha ha..lol. I realize the formations were spread out more,I was just practising some close formation stuff.Like I said,I was bored.But I'm glad to see I sparked some interest on the subject.I appreciate your replies. Could you imagine what it would be like doing some precision flying,like the Blue Angels and other real life squads do?That's pretty amazing stuff.All this talk about formations reminds me of J.O.Speaking of...(nice sageway eh?)...I have signed up for the BFS Feb.class. I completed BFS last June,but I want to do it again.I was pretty nervous the first time,but now I feel my skill level has increased somewhat.I'll be more confident and relaxed this time.I really want to excell in the formation stuff.Especially the taking off/landing in formation part.I think that stuff is so cool. Heh,I seem to have formation stuff on the brain lately.So just let ol'bucky go with it....it's my "new" thing..lol.But hey ,seriously now,are there any other dogz interested in this?Maybe we could get something going. I know Delta-7 touched on this above,but hey like I said,just thinkin' out loud.
  14. ~S~!
  15. ~S~ Everyone! Good day, and welcome to the Great White North.Todays topic is Formation Flying. Okay,so like ever see footage of those pilot guys in WWII flying their planes close together?Looks pretty cool,eh?Ok that's called a formation.The reason they did that is 'cause so they could keep track of each other and cover their butts and look around for the hosers called the enemy. So like that's the topic for today,so G'day Eh!
  16. I love George.Borrowed a friends album..George Carlin On The Road. I tape recoreded the best bits from side 1&2.I didn't have enough room on the tape for the whole thing.I figured I got half the album on tape. I then made a title for the tape.It's called,...yep you guessed it,.....Half of George On The Road. ....yeah,life was simpler when you were young.
  17. ~S~ Mate,
  18. The following statement is true. The preceeding statement is false.
  19. ...Ever notice you don't get laid much on Thanksgiving?...It's because all the coats are on the bed.
  20. Remember when harrass was 2 words?
  21. That is a such a classic.Tim was always trying to crack up his fellow castmates during skits.I believe Mama said.." You sure that little asshole's through?"..Tim just kept going and going on this one. He would wait until someone(in this case Carol)had recovered enough to try continue with her lines and then he would continue with his ad-lib story.At one point Tim says another line and Carol actually puts her hand to her forehead and says"Oh God". The look on her face is priceless. Now after talking about it here I have to go watch it again....good find. Bucky ........simease elephants....priceless.LOL
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