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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bucky

  1. The authorities closed the lake to all boat traffic around 4:45 pm.I was on my sea-doo when the helicopters showed up.One came down and filled his bucket
  2. This just in! A forest fire started yesterday near my local lake/resiviour.I was out there yesterday with friends and noticed the smoke about 4pm local time.Here's some pics...note.the fire is just on the other side of the mountain... There were 4 bombers called in from the base in Castlegar,as well as a spotter plane and 2 helicopters equipped with buckets.I didn't take pics of the bombers 'cause my camera doesn't have a good enough zoom. I got some good heli pics of them filling their buckets from the lake.Check it out...
  3. Looking good Jim,just how big is your property.Also,how much standing timber do you have?
  4. Hi Guys, Here are a few more waterbomber pics.These big guys can skim on the surface of a lake and fill their tanks... That's it for now.BTW the firies burning in the region are slowly being contained and most evac orders from certain homes have been lifted....alot less smoky now.
  5. That's what I thought!
  6. awww!!!C'mon guys,this is pretty big news!!Kinda serious stuff in my part of the world!....Comments please!....
  7. hmmmm.........kinda not what I was looking for Tonar.
  8. Here's some pics of some bombers used for fighting forest fires.They are based in Castlegar BC,which is 25 min North of me.....
  9. Operation Mindcrime...
  10. ~S~ Greynight, There were 2 guys...Iceman and Mykyll...they flew as a pair,all the time.I believe they're with the 334th squad on Hyperlobby.They pretty much did they're own thing during intrusions.They did work well together, in their "lone wolf" style. Here are some pics of them in action... they've been chasing this bogey for quite awhile,well away from our base.Note they spraying water...reminds me of some WW2 movie...I like this pic... this bogey is about to fly under the bridge to try and shake them... bogey couldn't shake them...did'nt last long after this... Those are cool pics I think....all for now.
  11. ~S~ Mates! Well I had so much fun on Canada Day at the lake riding sea-do's & Jet ski's,that I'm buying one today!I'll be driving for 6 hrs to get to where it is.The machine I'm getting is a 1995 Polaris 750 Slt.Its got a new motor,main shaft,and battery.The exterior is in mint shape. Its a failry large machine,big enough for 2 adult riders. The cost is a measly $4000.00.Which is relatively cheap considering new ones run around $10,000.00+.With temperatures expected around 35C for the next while,you can find me at the lake trying to figure out how to start it.
  12. The beginning part peaked my interest as I"ll be turning 40 this summer...and then,BAM!This frog came out of nowhere!...scared the hell out of me.Now my eyes are bleeding.Thanks JP...thanks alot.Couldn't even drink that one pretty.
  13. Yeah,but it was pretty funny though.We all had a good laugh.I had never seen sparks like that before.
  14. Hi Greynight, I didn't complete the whole thing because it was just a test.The complete story is on the "General Discussion" board at the ubi IL2 forums.
  15. ~S~ mates! A bunch of us were flying coops with the Hell Hounds the other night.There was a mission where we were taking off from a carrier.One of the guys accidentally lowered his arrester hook prior to releasing his chocks. As he rolled away,the hook was dragging on the deck and sparks were coming off the hook.Several of us saw this,which was quite a funny show.I don't want to give away all the details,so I will be posting a screenshot storyboard. I got the idea of a story board from a post that Enforcer did about a match with the 352nd squad.However,I did a screenshot test and it seems that with this new look of this forum the
  16. Hey dude!look forward to flying with ya.You could learn a lot from these guys...I know I am.
  17. Like Shadow said,"a whole lotta fun".Here's what happend with my flight group...
  18. Good stuff Klinger.Wouldn,t mind having a look at that trk.file.
  19. Thanks for the help guys....never would have figured it out on my own...the learning continues.
  20. ...Yeah,I downloaded the mission track from March.4./07.What kind of program or thing do I need to be able to open it and watch it? I hate being the noob of this group
  21. I"ll be there......hopefully not as cannon fodder...
  22. Got it now.Thanks Shadow.
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