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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bucky

  1. Found this one
  2. Y'know this is darn peculiar,and kinda morbid as well.This is happening around JP's territory alright. I shouldn't say this but I'm gonna...this reminds me of a wet feet squad.Someone's gonna make a horror flick called The Isle of the Severed Feet....geez,I better get some sleep.
  3. Hi guys, I'm hangin' out on TS right now as I do some mission building stuff.
  4. ~S~ Mates!
  5. You bet,Bojan! Could there be as many as 5 of us Dogz in this APS class!?! Bucky Klinger Bojan Snacko Merdog
  6. Thanks guys, @ Painless:...Yes Firesalamander is an instructor in this course.I'm finding the Aircraft Profiling Data assignment both challenging and frustating/fun. We're flying the P-51D/NA 1944 for this course.Not a plane I normally fly...it's like a whole 'nother aircraft or something! @ Bojan:...Greetings mate! Our class is about to get bigger 'cause the recent grads from the last IPS class will be joining us next week.I had to wait 2 months between IPS and APS.Just the way the schedule was I guess. Anyway,I'm off to find the Service Ceiling of my Pony...~S~
  7. Hey guys,
  8. Hello Crash,
  9. DD_Bucky


    That's pretty amazing. I wonder if he got the idea from this.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vl-4XdVVjaM&feature=related The part at 1:40 is what I'm talking about...I was always fascinated by this when I was young.
  10. Intercom! That was freakin hilarious!Never saw that one coming.LOL
  11. Get better soon Enforcer,I'm looking forward to seeing your pics.
  12. Well that's it guys.Hope you liked them.If you got some pics put 'em up!
  13. Sged avoids the AA on our runway as he lands. So does Pooka with Painless behind him Painless rolls by. A view from the tower. Smile for the camera guys.
  14. Almost out of ammo,I take out an enemy AAA. Painless finally gets a Stuka that was chased/herded from Foggia to Limone. Don't worry guys,Mobious didn't spill his drink. BG on the Beach.
  15. Pooka shoots down Campi. The flash from the explosion lights uo my cockpit. A 109 has crash landed,and Pooka says "Hello".
  16. Ok guys,since we're gonna re-do 17,I'd thought I'd post these ones. Delta-7 jumps out....he forgot something in his barracks. I caught a 109 in my sights.He must of stalled at the top of his climb 'cause he was just hangin' there. Can you see my Spit through the window?
  17. ~S~ guys,
  18. I quit watching after 40sec. ::)LOL
  19. Nice! Always impressive to see good examples of deflection shooting.Even more impressive and satisfying to see the enemy explode and be totally obliterated!
  20. Painless is out of the fight from a mid air collision. Bucky is killed by an AI deflection shot that hits hie engine and cockpit. BBloke climbs away after a high speed diving attack on a 190. The end result... That's all folks!
  21. Good for you both!
  22. Hmmm...kinda on the fence on this one.
  23. Maybe I'll submit the whole sequence starting from when I tagged this 109 first and got him smoking and then broke off as Painless had a better firing solution than I.Painless and then Funflak took up the chase to it's climactic end,.....to DT for the movie.I think the whole thing is only 1min or so.Even if it's longer DT can edit it as he wishes.
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