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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by DD_Bucky

  1. More hijacking spirit....."I can proudly sew my country's flag on my backpack".....
  2. Get back here,Troop! ...just a small misunderstanding,I'm sure.
  3. I've seen them both,BG.Thanks for that....and in the spirit of hijacking this thread,here's the newest A&W commercial.....my personal favourite......now
  4. Seen it.....storyline was unoriginal,and predictable.......visuals were great but got tiresome after awile....I need more than great visuals to hold my interest....I actually walked out after 2 hrs,I started to get a little bored with it. I suppose if I was 10 yrs old I would've loved it,..like I did with the first Star Wars.
  5. I've seen this type of thing before at airshows.Wonderfully entertaing,and a great showcase of pilot skill.....not unlike my style of flying during JO BFS training....or flying with the DDz,....or just plain IL2 stuff in general... Thankz for sharing,BG.
  6. Thanks Troop, I'm familiar with Hampton Gray's story.He was born in my hometown of Trail,and then moved to Nelson which is about an hour N. of here.
  7. Hmm... The same old question.Saitek or CH.I think they're like Ford or Chevy.I personally like the Saitek,which I've had for 3 yrs now.Lots of buttons for programming,and quite comfortable even after hrs of flying.I'd buy another one in a minute. btw,I've always driven a Ford too...go figure.
  8. ~S~ Painless, That looks great.Nice costume too.
  9. LOL, Enforcer! That's just wrong...... .......Ruh Roh,....here Russy,russy!
  10. Well done,B.A.,...I shot my dad's hunting rifle once when I was 14.........I missed the deer.
  11. Well done,B.A.,...I shot my dad's hunting rifle once when I was 14.........I missed the deer.
  12. LOL,.... I like facebook.You just gotta know how to use it right.
  13. LOL,.... I like facebook.You just gotta know how to use it right.
  14. ....lol,.......-5 in French is the same as -5 in English..I think
  15. ....lol,.......-5 in French is the same as -5 in English..I think
  16. I love the technology we have today....I just watched the highlights of the shuttle crew release the Hubble on NASA TV....so long Mr.Hubble!
  17. Great video and comments. ...must have been a fracture
  18. LOL.....I can't believe I just watched a woman eat a cheeseburger...sheesh
  19. here's mine
  20. LOL,...it wasn't a joke guys....not from me anyways. It really was upsidedown.But then there was an option that said..."original format". Turns out the joke was on me...took me 4 times before I clued in to that....here I was thinking I got that April 1st virus thing...HA HA.... :fighting:
  21. I just went there And when I try to watch a video it's upside down.Eveything is...the text.replies,..everything.WTF!
  22. Good stuff Highlander.
  23. LOL, Good stuff Smash....cool song too.
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