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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Better not sleep face down DT
  2. Ah.. thats a bit screwed.
  3. You can get the rest from: http://www.machinima.com/films.php?id=1194 It may be slow so be careful.
  4. I'm looking too Shadow but I doubt I'll find anything.
  5. A very very proud moment
  6. Deliberately trying to collided is near impossible!
  7. You need to download XViD Codec but I'll post it here.
  8. Watch the credits too.. ..There are several DD and HH contributors to the movie. I think Monty would also appreciate any comments to be left on the UBI boards PoW 2. Beebop, you beat me to it! I've been talking to Monty most of the morning on this as he's been trying to get it on Netwings since Saturday (Rog you need to give them a hand! )
  9. Sorry I missed it and missed out guys.
  10. LMAO.. mans best friend uh?!!
  11. Pretty much Frior.
  12. You could always download fraps and use that prog to see what happens. www.fraps.com Or you could do it in game. Start the BD mission and press P to pause. Hold SHIFT and Press TAB to enter the console. Type fps START SHOW (case is sensitive) This puts the fps at the top. Hold SHIFT and Press TAB to get back to the track Press P to unpause Watch BD til you hit the stop time and press P again to pause and read off the FPS from the top. This should include min max and avg.
  13. LOL.. I just couldn't believe they named it Yonkers.... man there's just no imagination sometime.... It's not that far away from WA*****!
  14. Glad to hear it Guitarman
  15. Just spotted something else.
  16. Ok.
  17. Doesnt take long to realise where its going.. or where its coming from!!
  18. Yep.
  19. I feel it is safe for me to do so as I'm generally quite aware of how knuckled down my machine is and that I tend to notice something wrong as its starts rather than weeks or months later.
  20. Hi Jetsetsam, BG has very kindly attached the program with patch to the post above yours.
  21. To open the folder: Click Start and select My Computer Double Click Local Disk (C:) Double Click Program Files Double Click Ubi Soft Double Click IL-2 Sutrmovik Forgotten Battles Double Click il8n Hope that helps.
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