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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. I'd go for one too but I fear the Flight model would be incorrect and the damage model porked!
  2. BBloke


    I took the lead from Rog on them and I have to say they are a worthy investment.
  3. My money is on increased ammo in the N1K2... There's been some complaints on the loadout!!! Go figure!! LOL
  4. BBloke


    Hehehehe.. I had a number of fans running along with a Cooler Master Jet4 CPU Heatsink and Fan and the Zalman was all that was really needed.
  5. Just for info: Corrections: -Updated the J2M5 Artificial Horizon; -Modified the Ta-183 Variometer; -Updated the MiG-3 Landing Gear Indicator; -Corrected the brakes animation in the LaGG-3 and Yak-1 / Yak-7; -Updated weapons and ammunition types on the He-162C/D, Yak-15, N1K2-Ja, P-63C, CR.42; -Modified the retraction of the tailwheel
  6. BBloke


    Same here Kawilder.
  7. Here's the change log if anyone is interested: Corrections: -Updated the J2M5 Artificial Horizon; -Modified the Ta-183 Variometer; -Updated the MiG-3 Landing Gear Indicator; -Corrected the brakes animation in the LaGG-3 and Yak-1 / Yak-7; -Updated weapons and ammunition types on the He-162C/D, Yak-15, N1K2-Ja, P-63C, CR.42; -Modified the retraction of the tailwheel
  8. Yes you are Deacon.
  9. BBloke

    New System

    I'm at 1280x960 as of yesterday with Vsync off.
  10. I waited and waited.. but alas.. no one... but seriously I would have if I wasnt knee deep in correctly a problematic refit of XP on my internet machine..... its all done and I'm knackered and Outlook is finely playing ball.. I found a new game to play though.. how many four letter expletives can you conjure up and call your worthless piece of PC when it doesnt work.... mmmmmmmmmmm the fu'in basa!!
  11. Firstly.. start 407 and rename the
  12. Just incase you have some trouble heres a direct link to the post: http://www.dangerdogz.com/forums/http:/ ... 576#p11576 You can link straight to a post by right clicking the image icon at the left of the topic name at the start of any post: Then just paste it into a post
  13. Excellent Glenn... Nice one! :)
  14. Dont worry Carl.
  15. Oh my.... glad we arent flying 4.07 on SEOW.. gotta give it a go some time.
  16. I expect nothing less than a well dressed spanking!!!
  17. I got a little chance to have some fun and it was fun. I tried most of the new WTF planes and found myself saying "WTF". I gotta say I feel there is limited scope for most of them but there are the few exceptions: A20 bomber and IL10. I found myself laughing at the Yak3R doing 630 at see level with the rocket going.
  18. So you have a flock.. you've kept them quiet and safe... but not for much longer. Merry Christmas Frior and all.
  19. Yeah.. that sucked that you had to point it to the game folder.. Didn't like that one bit.. then again did someone mention its French... ah.. say no more .. oh Hi drinksky
  20. This is for the dedicated server upgrade to 4.07.
  21. At least there is one thing we can fail safe and sure about.
  22. Rog
  23. LOL.. no idea Shadow.. although I remember it was something I was thinking at the time.. but I received a higher calling from on far from the great Priory and just had to answer it or forever be damned to a life of selfish gaming in the Order of Oleg! Thanks for posting that bit.
  24. :sign4: Its only been there for a while!!! ROFLMAO.
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