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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Your welcome and thanks G'man.
  2. After checking both HL2 and STALKER my only conclusion is that this release is not great for OpenGL at all.
  3. After quickly reverting back to installing the CCC and regaining Crossfire I checked the FPS via the Black Death track and can confirm that its still reflects the nasty low FPS.
  4. Well drivers are downloaded.
  5. I had a wander over to Omega Drivers after reading the post ATI 3870 and the trouble it took to install it. To add some comfort, you are not alone.
  6. I liked your idea on the nav lights and decided to use the mode switch on my setup.
  7. Wait til 409 is released in earnest!! Oh GOD!
  8. BBloke

    ATI 3870

    LOL.. don't forget to keep your eye on the nail.
  9. BBloke

    ATI 3870

    quote] On a brighter note, I now have 333 FSB speed, giving my E6300 CPU 2.3 gig from 1.86 standard. Woo hoo! This was achieved by following BBloke's advice and pushing the ram voltage up to 2.1v from 1.85v as per Corsair spec. Made no difference to frame rates though. Great to hear its all working and Overclocked too.
  10. What was the outcome to the incorrect version then, Enforcer?
  11. BBloke

    ATI 3870

    I dont think the CCC's are compatible between Driver releases.
  12. The only thing I can find is this image of a xfi fatality mixer.
  13. I'll take a look into the soundcard. I've never liked those with not enough jacks in them but there's probably a switch somewhere turning them from outputs to inputs somewhere. I found you can tighten the ram timings up if you increase the DDR voltage.
  14. It is dangerous and my only thoughts are only do it if you can afford to replace those bits that blow.
  15. If V-Sync is on then it may make little difference overall.
  16. Its a nice looking tower block.
  17. I would say it depends on the OCZ cooler and how that is fitted.
  18. LOL.
  19. Looking very sweet.
  20. 118 :k9lmao:
  21. Well I'd say go for it Fireman.
  22. Ewe Effers Galore! And Sheep Dip Surprise actually from www.sheepshaggers,com
  23. Great article Dave.
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