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3. Danger Dogz
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Everything posted by BBloke

  1. Put it in your game folder with your conf.ini file is.
  2. Cool Pooka glad its sorted itself out. Thanks on the MagicBright think Klinger.. haven't bothered with that one yet but will be looking at it later.
  3. Bloody thing and I dont think you are alone either.
  4. Nice touch on leaving the bomb bay doors open as your means of exit.
  5. Yep.. certainly a nice bundle and here's something to think on about memory. For as little as £5 you could improve the memory to GeIL 2gb PC6400.
  6. Awww.. no after shot!!
  7. Oh man, I can't believe it.
  8. Glad it worked to plan Friar.
  9. LOL
  10. If you are having trouble with win updates paste this into a file with .bat or .cmd extension.
  11. Oh God.. Lidl.
  12. The only down side and I would say it's not that bad is the graphics card.
  13. BBloke

    Support area

    This is from a post start by Friar and its a very good alternative to VNC (which is often spoken about on these baords). It's a means of giving someone access to your machine with out too much hassle.
  14. Don't forget your wetsuit and snorkle!
  15. The only thing that springs to mind is it being an HP is be a little wary on the screens it offers.
  16. Thats just the way that I'm thinking.
  17. Hi OB, The Teamspeak query port is not the same port as Teamspeak server.
  18. Wow very nice.. save installing VNC thats for sure.
  19. To answer your questions. 1. Yes you can. 2. My preference would be to use SP2 diskette. I have an SP2 XP install disk if you need it Friar.
  20. I know you can never do enough research but then if thats all we did we'd never buy anything and there is always something new coming through.
  21. I came across this review whilst trying to locate a review for my monitor.
  22. Well they did loose 2 days worth of posts by all accounts... nothing of any real value but has made the locals feel they are falling further into madness.
  23. Condoms!! Huh.. err no.. just my right hand!! or left if I fancy a change!! I use AVG on all the machines I have but I've only been using it for about 2 years.
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